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1.4.0 BETA 10


Verified Member
If you have any specific questions about IceBlast you can ask me or one of the Concept Designers!

What is the permission node!
I love the move, but it's automatically givin to my players free, and i want to ban, this move (sorry;for now),

Because when you get sttacked by iceblasts it's very laggy, and cannot movd/bend, i hate this, when it's less laggy i will put it back,

However i still would need help on removing this perm from players.

EDIT: Nevermind, sorry, i didn't realize how fast you guys wen't for the iceblast fix.
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What is the permission node!
I love the move, but it's automatically givin to my players free, and i want to ban, this move (sorry;for now),

Because when you get sttacked by iceblasts it's very laggy, and cannot movd/bend, i hate this, when it's less laggy i will put it back,

However i still would need help on removing this perm from players.

EDIT: Nevermind, sorry, i didn't realize how fast you guys wen't for the iceblast fix.
The perm to use IceBlast is "bending.ability.iceblast". Simply set this node to be forbidden B)