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  1. OmniCypher

    Lets talk velocity damage

    Mkay, lets keep the comments civil and opened minded. What do you guys think about velocity damage?
  2. OmniCypher

    PKI 1.1.2

    Hello everyone! Great news that I'm very excited to bring you, our old pal @Coolade has heard your pleas and it's finally here! PK Items you create can now be used as crafting materials for other custom recipes! Download it here on the Downloads page! (http://projectkorra.com/downloads.php) New...
  3. OmniCypher

    1.7.0 Beta 13

    Hey guys! Omni here again bringing you another cheesy opening. Now some of you may not be as impressed with this latest dev build because of its lack of new in-game features but fear not! This development build changes A LOT of the core mechanics Project Korra runs on, more specifically the...
  4. OmniCypher

    1.7.0 Beta 12

    Hello everyone! Omni here again bringing you a new development build! We attempted to fix a lot of long standing bugs in the plugin, did a lot of rebalancing, and hopefully add a few cool features we can expand on in future updates! General Changes Concept Designer tag in /bending who is now...
  5. OmniCypher

    1.7.0 Beta 11

    Hello everyone! Omni here bringing you all the first Dev build since taking over development of ProjectKorra! This build was mainly focused around improving the error logger and squashing bugs with a few added features. General Changes Error log completely reworked! All error logs are now...
  6. OmniCypher

    Omni's Particle Method Tutorial!

    Hey guys! Just thought I'd give all the addon developers a heads up and quick tutorial on the new particle methods I've added to PK! Let me first show how I'll break down each method, optional variables (overloaded method variables for you smarty pants people) will be in italics and required...
  7. OmniCypher


    So Its been a while since I've made a move... This is mainly due to my inability to think of something adequate for the PK Community. So I thought to myself... Whats the best way to find a move I should make? Why turn to the community of course! Post your ideas for a move in this chats comment...
  8. OmniCypher

    Lets talk ice blast particles...

    I'm aware that a lot of people have mixed feeling about the current particles for Ice Blast. I've talked to Alex about possibly changing them to something more subtle and hes fine with it, but I want to get the communities feedback before/if I do make any changes. So, what do you think about Ice...
  9. OmniCypher

    [Deleted] Bending Signs

    OmniCypher submitted a new resource: Bending Signs - A simpler way to use bending commands Read more about this resource...
  10. OmniCypher

    Cypher's Ciphers :D

    Welcome aspiring Cryptologists from far and wide! Any of you think you can outsmart ol' Omni? Well by all means I'd love to watch you try! I'll be posting various forms of encoded messages/puzzles for all to attempt! Each time one is solved I will post another, more challenging enigma and grant...
  11. OmniCypher

    Accepted Developer Application

    How much experience do you have working on Java Projects? I have been programming in Java for around 3 years now. Originally it had just started out as me being interested in the concept of programming and ending up taking Computer Science 1 (Basics of Java) my freshman year of High School and...
  12. OmniCypher

    [Deleted] Bending Preview

    OmniCypher submitted a new resource: Bending Preview - Handy tool to display your bound moves! Read more about this resource...
  13. OmniCypher

    [Deleted] Combustion

    OmniCypher submitted a new resource: Combustion - What Combustion should be like~ Read more about this resource...
  14. OmniCypher

    [Deleted] Condensation

    OmniCypher submitted a new resource: Condensation - Waterbend rain to fill bottles and buckets! Read more about this resource...
  15. OmniCypher

    Denied Disalign - Chi Blocker Ability

    Ability Name: Disalign Ability Type: Passive Element: Chi Info: Whenever a chi blocker hits a another bender (either with a specific move or simply by punching) there is a slight chance (somewhere below 5%) that a configurable number of the targets hot bar binds are either randomly swapped with...
  16. OmniCypher

    Complete Ability List Command

    Adding a simple command with a few parameters that links a few bits of information can help solve a lot of misconceptions or confusions that could occur to both old and new members of the Minecraft Avatar community, servers operators and normal users of the plugin. Example command with no...
  17. OmniCypher

    Valid Graphic Artist Application

    How long have you been dealing with GFX? I have had substantial experience with image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects for 3-4+ years. I have taken 2 college level courses which focused primarily on Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator along...