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Search results

  1. Andrew Sensei

    Lightning Duration increase

    For the default move, lightning, I feel it needs a simple improvement. Lightning in the show was dangerous (obviously) but when you shot it out, the energy wouldn't disappear once shot. It would still constantly discharge electricity from the user's fingertips until it ran out. This made...
  2. Andrew Sensei

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  3. Andrew Sensei

    SandSurge Suggestion [Earth]

    *Cough* I don't know how to make a good introduction to this thread, so lets just cut to the point. Remember that old move called LavaSurge from ProjectKorra 1.7? Yeah well we all know it didn't last long. Due to the 1.8 update, minecraft made it so that liquids couldn't be rendered as...
  4. Andrew Sensei

    New plant abilities?

    Hello ProjectKorra team, with one of the latest updates, I saw that the move "PlantArmor" was added. If you view the /bending help plantarmor, you will see that it tells you that it "Allows you to use other plant abilities". This can confuse me seeing as there are no other default plant moves...
  5. Andrew Sensei

    Denied Re-Suggestion Firebending - Flare

    Sounds like fireburst but isn't in a spherical form.