When you join:
- It is STRONGLY recommended that you download the ProjectKorra resource pack when you sign in. This will allow you to see some of the custom items we've added to the game.
- You can pick your element and change once. After that, you'll have to wait 10 days to change your element again. VIP members will be able to change their element for free with no cool down.
- There are NO unofficial Bending addons added to the server.
- Arenas are available!
- When you enter our Avatar map, you'll spawn at a random location. PvP is on, so be careful!
- The server is MC 1.12, but clients on 1.12.1 WILL be able to connect.
- We've added some neat items to the server. Notably the limited edition Momo Amiibo (see above). This is available for $3.75 this weekend and $5 after that. This is ONLY available for two weeks.
- If someone kills you with this item in your inventory, you will lose it. Be careful!
- This server is not pay to win. There are premium purchases available at http://store.projectkorra.com
This thread is being left noticeably bare. You're encouraged to explore what the server has to offer. In time, we'll go and create more thorough docs.
Thank you for your patience and have fun!