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You can't make something bug free, and you know that. You can only squash 90% of them and make it less buggy. Adding to that, you can't keep the stable for, lets say-- 5 years and keep looking and/all fixing all the minor bigs until you fix to up 99%. It is just silly to do so. I'm just giving you a reminder and informing people who don't know how development works.

You can soon as much as you want, but all I have is don't be suprised after using that word in your statement you have the stable released in 2021(sarcasticly exagradate) and see your fans hating on you.


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You can't make something bug free, and you know that. You can only squash 90% of them and make it less buggy. Adding to that, you can't keep the stable for, lets say-- 5 years and keep looking and/all fixing all the minor bigs until you fix to up 99%. It is just silly to do so. I'm just giving you a reminder and informing people who don't know how development works.
That's why we have different Core versions, such as 1.7.0, 1.8.0 etc. We have a stable build, add new features, fix the bugs until we get to a new stable build. I understand you can't make something 100% bug free as there may be bugs you don't know about, however currently there are bugs we do know about which we feel need to be fixed before we release an update.


Verified Member
That's why we have different Core versions, such as 1.7.0, 1.8.0 etc. We have a stable build, add new features, fix the bugs until we get to a new stable build. I understand you can't make something 100% bug free as there may be bugs you don't know about, however currently there are bugs we do know about which we feel need to be fixed before we release an update.
I repeate. Majors Bugs I understood and they must have an important attention, which is better to fix them sooner as possible and its even better that you're doing it right now. Minor bugs can be fixed later on in Betas and what, so it isn't smart to stall your stable from us for a year, because of a one stupid minor bug. Adding that its not easy to find all or most of these bugs for everyone, including devs (NOBODY IS PERFECT)

^^^^ Yeah you know that stuff and all I'm doing is clearing my points to get em accross.


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Minor bugs can be fixed later on in Betas and what, so it isn't smart to stall your stable from us for a year, because of a one stupid minor bug.
Leading back to my very first message... What makes you say that "one stupid minor bug" is what's holding the stable release up? Where did you read that? There are a number of bugs, and some of them are quite major. So what you're saying doesn't have much value.

Stable versions are supposed to be bug free and the bugs we have left are major ones.
Loony even said in his original message that the remaining bugs were consider "major", so I don't get where you got that from.


Verified Member
I repeate. Majors Bugs I understood and they must have an important attention, which is better to fix them sooner as possible and its even better that you're doing it right now. Minor bugs can be fixed later on in Betas and what, so it isn't smart to stall your stable from us for a year, because of a one stupid minor bug. Adding that its not easy to find all or most of these bugs for everyone, including devs (NOBODY IS PERFECT)

^^^^ Yeah you know that stuff and all I'm doing is clearing my points to get em accross.
Just because the stable has been a year in the making doesn't mean it's been stalled for a year. A lot of work has been done which included the refactor that caused a lot of bugs.

"Most bugs can be fixed in betas" bugs get created in betas, that's the point. Betas don't exist to fix bugs, we only start fixing bugs as we go along through the betas but it's more important to fix bugs at the end when we're finishing up for the core plugin.

Let me just ask what you want us to do? You want us to leave the bugs and release a broken core version that has major bugs. What's after that? Do we also leave the bugs that are created from us updating our plugin to Minecraft 1.9? And then after that, when we add our plans for 1.9.0 core, do we ignore those bugs too? Where does it end?


Verified Member
Just because the stable has been a year in the making doesn't mean it's been stalled for a year. A lot of work has been done which included the refactor that caused a lot of bugs.

"Most bugs can be fixed in betas" bugs get created in betas, that's the point. Betas don't exist to fix bugs, we only start fixing bugs as we go along through the betas but it's more important to fix bugs at the end when we're finishing up for the core plugin.

Let me just ask what you want us to do? You want us to leave the bugs and release a broken core version that has major bugs. What's after that? Do we also leave the bugs that are created from us updating our plugin to Minecraft 1.9? And then after that, when we add our plans for 1.9.0 core, do we ignore those bugs too? Where does it end?
If you fix the very major game breaking bugs that you know of then that's all you have to do. You have to draw a line and say we're gonna fix these remaining bugs and if we find more we'll let them go until the beta. And you were talking about 1.9.0 how about just not telling us when it's coming and getting our hopes up. That way you'll have plenty of time to work on it without harassment and you can make it as spotless as you want. But you told us about this one a while ago said "soon" every time we asked. And we've been waiting on it for a while now so the community is owed the update.


Verified Member
Just because the stable has been a year in the making doesn't mean it's been stalled for a year. A lot of work has been done which included the refactor that caused a lot of bugs.
Just because I said it has been a year, it doesn't mean my statement is literal.
Let me just ask what you want us to do? You want us to leave the bugs and release a broken core version that has major bugs. What's after that?
Did you read all of my replies? Here's a reminder what I said
TL; read half of it. Major bugs I understand. Minor are fine and isn't worth to stall the stable so leave it to fix for another update. I find that saying "soon" and "closer" equalant to saying exact date. What's morre to that, that the people can interpet it diffrently, so imo you shouldn't do that cuz people expect to get soon and by "soon" they understand that as in a few weeks. It would be ironic to me, because if the stable comes out in the next year or two and all I heard is "soon" (see what I mean when people interpet that word's time length :p?). If you're picking up the same interpretation, than I advise to not use that word and tell us you aren't sure, because you all know the soon never happens and it's likely that it will not anyways


Verified Member
I don't quite agree with that.. The thing we said more than anything is that we cannot give a specific time when it will be released because it could get pushed back at any time, like it has.
We did say soon, because that's all we can say as we don't know when more bugs will be discovered. We also mentioned that when saying "soon".
Then don't say soon, lol. Even if its not specific, and (some of) you keep repeating it like a broken record, and when you know the same loop is repeating itself there is no point of saying it anyway (especially when peope can interpet the concept of soon differently).


Verified Member
Leading back to my very first message... What makes you say that "one stupid minor bug" is what's holding the stable release up? Where did you read that? There are a number of bugs, and some of them are quite major. So what you're saying doesn't have much value.
I'm not. I wasn't informed on what kind of bugs you guys are fixing (minor or major) before anyone told me, It's not like I'm psychic. i'm just saying OVERALL that minor bugs can be left out fixing later on in betas. Fixing ALL of them makes this huge loop of never ending "this plugin will be soon" excuse and reality.

Analogy: If somebody asked you to buy 100 products from grocery store, without not knowing exact types of them and you don't have an enhanced memory to memorized all of products, the person will not be satisfy to what you brough from there and will continue on sending you back, without giving a specific orders on what must be bought, to the store until you buy all the things with correct product types :p. That is just an infinite loop of nothing
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Verified Member
Then don't say soon, lol. Even if its not specific, and (some of) you keep repeating it like a broken record, and when you know the same loop is repeating itself there is no point of saying it anyway (especially when peope can interpet the concept of soon differently).
That's just the same as the same people asking us when the release will be like a broken record.


Verified Member
I do wonder what will happen If you guys won't manage to fix it until the next year? Is there even a slight chance that PK 1.8/9/10.0 is gonna come out in 2017?


Verified Member
How are sure of that? You did said that fixing bugs is slow progress due to small numbers of devs, and even then it took a few more months to fix to major bugs.


Verified Member
From what I'm hearing/ understand 1.9.0 with the new and exciting features were waiting on wont even be here until late 2017. Yet it was mentioned earlier this summer.
Oh no, 1.9.0 Core probably won't be finished until 2017 because of all the work that needs doing.

People are getting confused, 1.9.0 Core with all new new changes. We're currently on 1.8.0 Core. When we say 1.9 / 1.10 version, we mean the Minecraft version. We're only talking about core if we have a ".0 Core" at the end of it.


Verified Member
Oh no, 1.9.0 Core probably won't be finished until 2017 because of all the work that needs doing.

People are getting confused, 1.9.0 Core with all new new changes. We're currently on 1.8.0 Core. When we say 1.9 / 1.10 version, we mean the Minecraft version. We're only talking about core if we have a ".0 Core" at the end of it.
But why mention it in the summer of 2016 if we won't even have it until say holiday 2017