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Verified Member
As we all know there's an update (in development) to 1.8 and 1.9 on the way. The problem is we were told it would be out "very soon" for about 7 weeks now. The point is you guys are saying the reason you can't release it is because of bugs. However it appears that your bug fixes are causing more bugs causing an endless cycle of "very soon".

So what I ask is for you to release it regardless of the bugs. That way while we play it one well stop complaining and breathing down your neck about it, and two we can point out bugs to you guys that you haven't found. Also it's not like you have to stop working on it if you release it. The point is people are getting antsy and we want that update. I can tell we're getting on your nerves so please just release it.

I know you guys work really hard to make this plugin great for us but perfection just isn't possible.

Thank you for reading I hope you consider what I am saying.
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Verified Member
I recall a developer saying back in June/July it would be out "within next week" **here we are 2 months later....** Also, if they released an unstable version of 1.9 then they would just get people complaining about bugs that are potentially ruining their server. Although I want the update as well, I would much prefer a more stable version that everyone can enjoy rather than a version that is unstable and unenjoyable. I would like to think they are not striving for perfection, but striving for stability.


Verified Member
I recall a developer saying back in June/July it would be out "within next week" **here we are 2 months later....** Also, if they released an unstable version of 1.9 then they would just get people complaining about bugs that are potentially ruining their server. Although I want the update as well, I would much prefer a more stable version that everyone can enjoy rather than a version that is unstable and unenjoyable. I would like to think they are not striving for perfection, but striving for stability.
I see where you're coming from but the bugs left they say are just minor and if fixing those is a chance to make worse bugs then I'll take it as is. I just want it out Ik I won't complain about minor bugs.


Verified Member
I completely agree with this entire thread. Plugins are meant to be updated over time, there will always be bugs. With this current cycle, it will never be released. Minor bugs are fine, lets be honest here its time to release lol. ;-; #7weeksAndCounting.


Verified Member
It's one thing to work towards your goal to achieve something, but it's another thing to be obsessed with it. Honestly, they've been "crushing bugs" for actually... I'd say 7 or more weeks too. I like it that PK's actually accomplishing something, but I feel like this is getting to the point where it'd be rational to believe that they're stalling or just don't have the team to release that early, which in that case, they really should admit it.

And for any people that are yelling at the community for complaining that the PK staff need their time, honestly, all I can say for you is to get off your high horse. The community has the right to complain; we've been told that our update that we've wanted for MONTHs would come. Considering the fact that we've barely gotten any news that tells us to disregard the old update "release dates", it makes us all the more agitated at waiting for another week... and then another...


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I honestly think we should be more patient, Dev's have lives too, they can't crush bugs 24/7 and even so, for those of you who don't know java, its hard to debug stuff when it doesn't give any error. Which most of these "minor" bugs do.


Verified Member
It's one thing to work towards your goal to achieve something, but it's another thing to be obsessed with it. Honestly, they've been "crushing bugs" for actually... I'd say 7 or more weeks too. I like it that PK's actually accomplishing something, but I feel like this is getting to the point where it'd be rational to believe that they're stalling or just don't have the team to release that early, which in that case, they really should admit it.

And for any people that are yelling at the community for complaining that the PK staff need their time, honestly, all I can say for you is to get off your high horse. The community has the right to complain; we've been told that our update that we've wanted for MONTHs would come. Considering the fact that we've barely gotten any news that tells us to disregard the old update "release dates", it makes us all the more agitated at waiting for another week... and then another...
I know right. I did told them that they should stop lying their ass off by making fake promises over and over again (not gonna point out who, but you should really don't need to give me the correct definition of the "promise" and "lie", because I really don't know the right terms to use for what I'm trying to say, but I do know that you understood what I tried to explain when I used them). If you/team guys gonna say "coming soon", or "its close", "in x week(s)/month(s)", and afterwards finding out that you won't manage to release in the time you said you will, AT LEAST inform the community/fans that "this stable might not come out, neither we are saying it will, but take this into consideration". Or just don't say when its not gonna come out. This makes the communication and fans expectation complicated/confusing, with all these misleading annoucments. To give an example (for you to just know that I'm not saying it's gonna happen, but...), don't just be like "coming soon", and then release it in 2018 and be like "oops :D We released it too late then the time we told you we will. Probably you weren't dying to see and get your hands on it. If you did that.... at least you got now after two years have passed :D Cheers ;)"

^^^^^^ Take all of that as a friendly rant :D. I don't intend to be a personal attack or an insult to particular or for all the team members in any matter :). I'm just telling what's best for you, and for the all community. I just can't pretend that you didn't know anything when you did and hide those things from us that you promised (again, please don't have the nerviou to correct the word just cause it has a slight different connotation from what I have in mind forvits meaning)

Now, regarding with actually releasing the stable sooner. For the most part, I completly agree with what @NickC1211 and @SuperBower118 had said. As what @SuperBower118 said: "I like it that PK's actually accomplishing something, but I feel like this is getting to the point where it'd be rational to believe that they're stalling or just don't have the team to release that early, which in that case, they really should admit it.".

It fits well with my example of it being released in 2017, because that factor is most likely to happen If you continue squashing that bugs with no avail of fixing anything (even though, you can't fix all bugs, but might point is 'to fix something without creating much more than expected'). I like that devs are trying to make it less buggy then it is, but I think you guys should stop trying, when you cleary see nothing is working out for 5 weeks. Since, you done enough misleading promises for this time on-- Right on forwards, just try to fix as much as you can in this week, and even if there are still more bugs invested in that stable - release it anyway. Besides, you will be still working on giving us betas afterwards with bug fixes, right?
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Verified Member
I honestly think we should be more patient, Dev's have lives too, they can't crush bugs 24/7 and even so, for those of you who don't know java, its hard to debug stuff when it doesn't give any error. Which most of these "minor" bugs do.
We understand that but we are willing to take the update as is bugs and all lol. Plus were mostly upset about them saying it's coming soon for the past 7 months and then going back on it.


Verified Member
I just wanna say for the record to all the devs and people making this update happen were not trying to antagonize you. We are all on community and we all have the goal to make pk better. So I just wanna say that we don't hate you guys but were just upset. And don't get me wrong we are grateful for what you're doing we just don't like this "teasing" of the update.


Verified Member
I know right. I did told them that they should stop lying their ass off by making fake promises over and over again (not gonna point out who, but you should really don't need to give me the correct definition of the "promise" and "lie", because I really don't know the right terms to use for what I'm trying to say, but I do know that you understood what I tried to explain when I used them). If you/team guys gonna say "coming soon", or "its close", "in x week(s)/month(s)", and afterwards finding out that you won't manage to release in the time you said you will, AT LEAST inform the community/fans that "this stable might not come out, neither we are saying it will, but take this into consideration". Or just don't say when its not gonna come out. This makes the communication and fans expectation complicated/confusing, with all these misleading annoucments. To give an example (for you to just know that I'm not saying it's gonna happen, but...), don't just be like "coming soon", and then release it in 2018 and be like "oops :D We released it too late then the time we told you we will. Probably you weren't dying to see and get your hands on it. If you did that.... at least you got now after two years have passed :D Cheers ;)"

^^^^^^ Take all of that as a friendly rant :D. I don't intend to be a personal attack or an insult to particular or for all the team members in any matter :). I'm just telling what's best for you, and for the all community. I just can't pretend that you didn't know anything when you did and hide those things from us that you promised (again, please don't have the nerviou to correct the word just cause it has a slight different connotation from what I have in mind forvits meaning)

Now, regarding with actually releasing the stable sooner. For the most part, I completly agree with what @NickC1211 and @SuperBower118 had said. As what @SuperBower118 said: "I like it that PK's actually accomplishing something, but I feel like this is getting to the point where it'd be rational to believe that they're stalling or just don't have the team to release that early, which in that case, they really should admit it.".

It fits well with my example of it being released in 2017, because that factor is most likely to happen If you continue squashing that bugs with no avail of fixing anything (even though, you can't fix all bugs, but might point is 'to fix something without creating much more than expected'). I like that devs are trying to make it less buggy then it is, but I think you guys should stop trying, when you cleary see nothing is working out for 5 weeks. Since, you done enough misleading promises for this time on-- Right on forwards, just try to fix as much as you can in this week, and even if there are still more bugs invested in that stable - release it anyway. Besides, you will be still working on giving us betas afterwards with bug fixes, right?
This whole rant I felt it in my soul lmao. Maybe you should've been the one to post this. I completely agree with every single thing you say like everything.


Verified Member
Nah, your english is way better than mine and I'm so off-drunk when I'm typing. It is a good thing that you typed it. Staff really needs to stop doing what I address in my last comment, therefor this thread is a big important thing for The Team to notice and read.


Verified Member
Yes, I agree with an above statement, we are not trying to antagonize nor really mad i guess, we are just ready for something that has been in progress for 7 weeks, even with the bugs. We are OKAY to have some bugs, it will probably never be bug free regardless, Its just time to release the 1.9 version, 1.9 has been out for what like 8 months haha? We are okay with some bugs, we just feel its far past time to release it as is! I know I, and others also, couldn't appreciate the hard work you all have put in to accomplish such a great plugin,
>> we are just saying it is okay if it is not perfect, you have put in tons of strenuous work to make it even better as is, we would just simply like a version to be released for 1.9 so we can continue our server's growth also <<
Sorry if this game out rude or anything ;-;


Verified Member
Stable versions are supposed to be bug free and the bugs we have left are major ones.

We've said multiple times that it's hard to fix bugs at a decent rate because of the active developers we have. Our developers have IRL stuff so them finding time to work on PK is difficult.

The community demands a "release date" and all this time we haven't given one. We've always said either "soon" or "we're trying to get it out this weekend". Please understand, it's extremely difficult for us when the community is constantly demanding updates on release dates when we have almost fixed all the bugs and then more pop up, and on top of that - one week development will be going smoothly, the next no developers have time to work. It's hard to balance giving the community updates and being realistic. In all honesty, we don't know when it will release. It entirely depends on the developers ability to work. It could be tomorrow, it could be next month.

Again, we've never made fake promises or lied about anything. If we've said the release is soon it's because we believed it was, but then more issues popped up that we weren't aware of and then it's more work for US to do.

On another note, just because it's taking a while doesn't mean nothing is being accomplished. Over 80 bugs have been fixed since beta 12. The amount of time that has been spent to accomplish this is insane.

You might be okay to have "some bugs" in stable but in all honest, as a server owner, I'm not. Stables are stables for a reason. When would that mentality stop? Why fix bugs at all?

If you guys truly want to help, please just be patient and stop asking every single day when the release is and then getting mad when we say "we're trying to get it out this weekend" or "soon" when those answers can change at any second, and they do change every single day. Don't forget, this is a volunteer job, we're trying our best and we're all either in education or have jobs. School just started so it's crazy for all of us right now.
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When people say that by fixing these bugs, we're creating more, what basis is that off? As Loony mentioned we've fixed 80+ bugs since BETA 12, and to my understanding we've found more bugs, and so we've fixed them. These newly found bugs aren't the result of prior bug fixes, and I don't understand why people say that in the first place, especially when they don't even know.. smh


Verified Member
I would say it's more annoying when you make false assumptions and at least when you don't inform us about them. Wait.... Who am I to speak to the rest of the community?? Ok I'm gonna shut up now :p

You didn't see this comment.... this comment...... this commment....


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Was it me you were referring to in your post above? And if you (referring to people in general now) are complaining about us not being clear enough with the release date, the thing we were THE MOST clear about was that we can not guarantee a time, to which we receive complaints about not telling the community when we're releasing, so when we do TRY to give a rough estimate and can't make it, this happens. I don't see how we can win in this situation, and we are trying our best with what we have to get the release out as soon as possible. I find it just as frustrating as all of you, having fixed the "last" bug about 3 times now... As Loony said, we never know when we'll discover a new major bug which will need fixing before we can release a stable version. I'm not trying to be an arse with this message, but I just want people to be patient with us as there is nothing more we can do. We are trying, and cannot promise a time for release because if we do not meet that time, it will cause an uproar.

So......... in conclusion, soz


Verified Member
Again, we've never made fake promises or lied about anything. If we've said the release is soon it's because we believed it was, but then more issues popped up that we weren't aware of and then it's more work for US to do
Like I said, I don't the term for "saying something mislead unintentially not doing it" and " tell a false statement unintentionally". So same thing, but you could at least inform us that its not gonna come out the date when you said it will and sto p making false assumstions. It's like somebody took an interview for a jov and after that (s)he has to wait for the call and every random date the boss call him to say: "Ok, you got the job. Wait very soon to here our call"; "*Week Later* Hi again. wait another week to hear our response if you got the job or not" *Next Month* "We sorry you have to wait. Unfornutaly we were busy and we didn't had the chance to look at your apply. Wait for another week and we'll see what happens". And the same goes over and over and over and over and over and..


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Like I said, I don't the term for "saying something mislead unintentially not doing it" and " tell a false statement unintentionally". So same thing, but you could at least inform us that its not gonna come out the date when you said it will and sto p making false assumstions. It's like somebody took an interview for a jov and after that (s)he has to wait for the call and every random date the boss call him to say: "Ok, you got the job. Wait very soon to here our call"; "*Week Later* Hi again. wait another week to hear our response if you got the job or not" *Next Month* "We sorry you have to wait. Unfornutaly we were busy and we didn't had the chance to look at your apply. Wait for another week and we'll see what happens". And the same goes over and over and over and over and over and..
I don't quite agree with that.. The thing we said more than anything is that we cannot give a specific time when it will be released because it could get pushed back at any time, like it has.


Verified Member
Was it me you were referring to in your post above? And if you (referring to people in general now) are complaining about us not being clear enough with the release date, the thing we were THE MOST clear about was that we can not guarantee a time, to which we receive complaints about not telling the community when we're releasing, so when we do TRY to give a rough estimate and can't make it, this happens. I don't see how we can win in this situation, and we are trying our best with what we have to get the release out as soon as possible. I find it just as frustrating as all of you, having fixed the "last" bug about 3 times now... As Loony said, we never know when we'll discover a new major bug which will need fixing before we can release a stable version. I'm not trying to be an arse with this message, but I just want people to be patient with us as there is nothing more we can do. We are trying, and cannot promise a time for release because if we do not meet that time, it will cause an uproar.

So......... in conclusion, soz
TL; read half of it. Major bugs I understand. Minor are fine and isn't worth to stall the stable so leave it to fix for another update. I find that saying "soon" and "closer" equalant to saying exact date. What's morre to that, that the people can interpet it diffrently, so imo you shouldn't do that cuz people expect to get soon and by "soon" they understand that as in a few weeks. It would be ironic to me, because if the stable comes out in the next year or two and all I heard is "soon" (see what I mean when people interpet that word's time length :p?). If you're picking up the same interpretation, than I advise to not use that word and tell us you aren't sure, because you all know the soon never happens and it's likely that it will not anyways


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Major bugs I understand. Minor are fine and isn't worth to stall the stable so leave it to fix for another update.
Stable versions are supposed to be bug free
That's my answer to that. I'm not saying anything about the way updates are released. They are released in stable versions and that's the way it is. The whole point of the stable version is so server's can run bug free. What's the difference between "major" and "minor" bugs? Are major bugs only game breaking? If so, you'll have a plugin that is function, awesome! However a lot of features are broken or don't work as they're supposed to.

We did say soon, because that's all we can say as we don't know when more bugs will be discovered. We also mentioned that when saying "soon".