As many of you know Project Korra is removing Plant Armor the only plant bending move in the core, and its sad to be a sub element with so much potential go to waste so as a member of the PK community I took it upon myself to suggest the replacement for Plant Armor.
Plant Manipulation
This move would work similar to the new octopus form or water arms in the sense that its a multi ability. To activate the ability 1 must sneak for a default 10 seconds, near 11 blocks of plant bendable blocks as defined in the config as if they are gathering the leaves around them. After 10 seconds green particles will prompt you to release sneak and a massive dome of leaves will surround you (similar to ice bullet) along with 2 arms made of leaves. This will last for as long as defined in the config, if nobody cancels it. (See Cancellation Section ) Afterwards a cool down of 60 seconds will be applied.
There are also passive abilities with these moves that will have their own section below the sub abilities.
This is what the actual thing would look like in game, at least similar to it
What do you call a donkey in a swamp. SWAMP ASS!! *Crickets*
Entanglement would shoot 1 of your arms to the object you are aiming at and entangle it in vines giving it slowness 3 and mining fatigue 3. After the opponent is entangled, you can move it around by sneaking and sweeping your cursor similar to Air Sweep. You can also click while doing this so that your opponent is flung once you reach the end of your sweep.
It would end up similar to this, although It may not be possible to move someone inside a 2x1 area surrounded by leaves the way I have planned. If not then the substitution would just be without leaves.
EDIT: Instead of leaves surrounding the opponent, green particles should surround them to show the tiny vines that are wrapped around them.
The ram function would just be a normal punch as if you were using water arms punch. However you need to sneak and punch rather than just punch so show that you are bending the vines. Edit: does decent knockback. It will have its own seperate cooldown after 3 uses.
Sweep would work like if Punch and AirSweep were mashed into 1 ability. To sweep you need to sneak and click, then arc your cursor in the way you want the sweep to move. It would knock enemies in the direction of the sweep
and if they hit a wall it would do extra damage. It can also knock away projectiles. (Arrows, Fireballs, etc)
Passive Abilities
Ram and Sweep can push away Earth Smash like objects by sneaking and looking at the projectile with devastating effect on the person who its being pushed back to. However this gets weaker if you do it in quick succession due to the fact that if you can't pull your vines back for long enough the momentum it has won't be as powerful. You see this when Huu grabs a fire nation tank with his arm and smacks it away. If he can grab a large fire nation tank doesn't the same logic apply to an Earth Smash
In the show we saw that Huu who was inside the swamp monster, was able to move the monster pretty quickly in the water, however while he was on land in the fire nation he wasn't very quick. So I thought that if you are on land while using this ability you would obtain slowness 3, but while your in the water you can activate the swift swim ability waterbenders have.
Cancellation is a balancing measure to prevent opness. In the show when the vines were attacked they were severed, this is supposed to mimic that. Lets say I shoot 2 fireblasts at it, the vines would rip and the part would need to be regenerated. It will still regenerate, at the cost of the leaves around the player. and the more leaves you lose, the longer cooldowns and the less damage all of your attacks do. However, you can counter this by standing near plantbendable blocks and sneaking. The plants will recreate your frame and set your cooldowns and damage to normal.
If the dome or any part of the ability is hit with an explosive (ex. Combustion or TNT ) the whole move disintegrates.
Wall Damage
If the enemy is flung into a wall by any of these abilities, he gets damaged depending on the velocity of the impact. Maximum 3 hearts damage.
The config would look like this.
All research was done from the Episodes The Swamp and the day of Black Sun Parts 1 & 2
Plant Manipulation
This move would work similar to the new octopus form or water arms in the sense that its a multi ability. To activate the ability 1 must sneak for a default 10 seconds, near 11 blocks of plant bendable blocks as defined in the config as if they are gathering the leaves around them. After 10 seconds green particles will prompt you to release sneak and a massive dome of leaves will surround you (similar to ice bullet) along with 2 arms made of leaves. This will last for as long as defined in the config, if nobody cancels it. (See Cancellation Section ) Afterwards a cool down of 60 seconds will be applied.
There are also passive abilities with these moves that will have their own section below the sub abilities.
This is what the actual thing would look like in game, at least similar to it

What do you call a donkey in a swamp. SWAMP ASS!! *Crickets*
Entanglement would shoot 1 of your arms to the object you are aiming at and entangle it in vines giving it slowness 3 and mining fatigue 3. After the opponent is entangled, you can move it around by sneaking and sweeping your cursor similar to Air Sweep. You can also click while doing this so that your opponent is flung once you reach the end of your sweep.
It would end up similar to this, although It may not be possible to move someone inside a 2x1 area surrounded by leaves the way I have planned. If not then the substitution would just be without leaves.

EDIT: Instead of leaves surrounding the opponent, green particles should surround them to show the tiny vines that are wrapped around them.
The ram function would just be a normal punch as if you were using water arms punch. However you need to sneak and punch rather than just punch so show that you are bending the vines. Edit: does decent knockback. It will have its own seperate cooldown after 3 uses.
Sweep would work like if Punch and AirSweep were mashed into 1 ability. To sweep you need to sneak and click, then arc your cursor in the way you want the sweep to move. It would knock enemies in the direction of the sweep
and if they hit a wall it would do extra damage. It can also knock away projectiles. (Arrows, Fireballs, etc)
Passive Abilities
Ram and Sweep can push away Earth Smash like objects by sneaking and looking at the projectile with devastating effect on the person who its being pushed back to. However this gets weaker if you do it in quick succession due to the fact that if you can't pull your vines back for long enough the momentum it has won't be as powerful. You see this when Huu grabs a fire nation tank with his arm and smacks it away. If he can grab a large fire nation tank doesn't the same logic apply to an Earth Smash
In the show we saw that Huu who was inside the swamp monster, was able to move the monster pretty quickly in the water, however while he was on land in the fire nation he wasn't very quick. So I thought that if you are on land while using this ability you would obtain slowness 3, but while your in the water you can activate the swift swim ability waterbenders have.
Cancellation is a balancing measure to prevent opness. In the show when the vines were attacked they were severed, this is supposed to mimic that. Lets say I shoot 2 fireblasts at it, the vines would rip and the part would need to be regenerated. It will still regenerate, at the cost of the leaves around the player. and the more leaves you lose, the longer cooldowns and the less damage all of your attacks do. However, you can counter this by standing near plantbendable blocks and sneaking. The plants will recreate your frame and set your cooldowns and damage to normal.
If the dome or any part of the ability is hit with an explosive (ex. Combustion or TNT ) the whole move disintegrates.
Wall Damage
If the enemy is flung into a wall by any of these abilities, he gets damaged depending on the velocity of the impact. Maximum 3 hearts damage.
The config would look like this.
This is just my idea of what the config should include, it may be missing things that are necessary. Please tell me if it is.
Enabled: true
Duration: 60 (in seconds)
Enabled: false
Cooldown: 60 ( in seconds)
Enabled: true
Range: 20
Duration: 12 ( in seconds)
SlownessPower: 3
FatiguePower: 3
Duration: 15 ( in seconds)
Range: 15
Damage: 3
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Range: 15
Damage: 4
Cooldown: 10 seconds
MaxHits: 12 ( how many times you need to hit it before it dissipates)
RequiredPlantBendableBlocks: 11
All research was done from the Episodes The Swamp and the day of Black Sun Parts 1 & 2
If some of this ability is impossible to code, feel free to modify it, most of us just want a plantbending move to replace plant armor.
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