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1.4.0 BETA 12


Staff member
Just another small-ish update, contains mainly bug fixes but a small aesthetic change as well.
  • General Changes
    • I have changed up the look on /bending version. It looks a bit cleaner, and I can put more information there when I release the other plugins.
    • There will no longer be an error in your console if you run the plugin without TagAPI.
  • Airbending Changes
    • AirSwipe Crash Preventative Measure
      • Added a protective measure to check the amount of entities that are about to have their velocities changed before moving them all. If there are too many entities around it will damage them without changing their velocity, that way we don't lag out and crash due to the firing of too many EntityCollisionEvents.
  • Waterbending Changes
    • WaterWave will now work with the Water Passive if the user is holding shift while submerged in water.
    • Fixed a bug where WaterWave was originally deleting the source block that the player was using, this was causing the water to be displaced and currents were forming in the absence of Water. WaterWave no longer deletes the source block.
  • Earthbending Changes
    • Fixed a bug where LavaFlow was not being removed if the user kept the shift button held down. Not it cleans up regardless of whether they are still trying to bend a LavaFlow. (Uses the SHIFT_REMOVE_DELAY for reversion times)


Verified Member
Isn't this kinda the reverse of how it was on legend of korra? Lavaflow should be able to stay by holding shift, not after shift is up, but it seems like the earthbender is trying to keep the lavaflow. Just my opinion.


Staff member
Isn't this kinda the reverse of how it was on legend of korra? Lavaflow should be able to stay by holding shift, not after shift is up, but it seems like the earthbender is trying to keep the lavaflow. Just my opinion.
By design, the move isn't meant to be permanent. Essentially, this prevents player from camping with a lava moat around them. This is one of those instances where we sort of have to break from the show to keep balance.


Verified Member
Um, yeah. Fireblast, fireburst, watermanipulation, the only thing that I see this going wrong as is someone turning dirt on a fall into lava. Waterbenders turn water for a fall, even if it is against the freaking rules, into air or ice. Not so much for camping.


Verified Member
I mean that by, you can easily get knocked into your lava pit. Not that great. Thanks for making it more underpowered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get key word, "more".


Verified Member
I mean that by, you can easily get knocked into your lava pit. Not that great. Thanks for making it more underpowered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get key word, "more".
You could just simply create a suggestion adding a config option to add that or not.


Verified Member
Alrighty, so it seems you think the move is underpowered? Lets take these into consideration:
- When left clicking on the lava moat, that area will change to dirt rather than waiting for the official reverting time for the entire moat. Basically so they can exit the moat when they want and on any side.
- Ghazan had the same option, if he did not respond quickly and revert his lava to earth, he too would have burned to death from his own move.
- The lava moat is fine the way it is in my opinion due to it blocking close range moves. And the damage, if they fall in, will most likely kill them or do a decent amount of damage.
- If you really think about the move related to the show, it is relative almost completely. You can revert a section back to earth to escape it, and there are other ways to exit the island. If you fall in your own moat from knock back, it is your fault, just as if Ghazan was hit with an knock back heavy move, he would have to revert his lava or burn.

Also, if you do not like the way a mechanic or move works, please post a suggestion. Do not get an attitude with the development team or staff team in general. They work very hard as to designing the move, coding it, fixing the issues and bug reports on their own free time.
Sorry for addressing an issue such as this but I personally do not like to see post like this insulting the staff and development team of Project Korra as it is for mainly us to play with, and they are open to suggestions, not harsh criticism.



Verified Member
What are you talking about
Ghazan is guilty as charged of using lavabending to camp. Dat attack on Zaofu, though. XD

In all seriousness, all of the elements incorporate moves that function at a distance and knock players back, even if it's just punch damage. Lava is easily the most dangerous element to both the victim and the predator. Just my take on it, though.


Apple is a dream and you should all listen to him. Don't be an ass to the creator of this (fantastic) plugin because he made one thing you didn't like, we don't remove features like that because hey why not? The ability to spontaneously generate huge quantities of lava that can then be literally thrown at others is definitely pretty damn powerful, so it is going to get some nerfs. The fact that it cannot be used forever is a fairly small sacrifice to make.


Verified Member
Vidcom, if you wanted to use lavasurge you'd have to stop holding shift+lavaflow therefore the lava would then disperse after the 3 seconds. I think that lavaflow staying there by holding shift isn't overpowered since not only can you not do anything else without interupting the lava, you can easily get knocked into your own lava so it's smart not to hold it too long. I thought this was intentional as it made complete sense. After reading what I have said, I implore you Mist to please reconsider and revert the change.
Last edited:


Verified Member
I mean that by, you can easily get knocked into your lava pit. Not that great. Thanks for making it more underpowered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get key word, "more".
Don't be a butthead unless you can create a better plugin than Mist did bro


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Vidcom, if you wanted to use lavasurge you'd have to stop holding shift+lavaflow therefore the lava would then disperse after the 3 seconds. I think that lavaflow staying there by holding shift isn't overpowered since not only can you not do anything else without interupting the lava, you can easily get knocked into your own lava so it's smart not to hold it too long. I thought this was intentional as it made complete sense. After reading what I have said, I implore you to please reconsider and revert the change.
XD Why are you asking him? He has no control over something like that. Once a change has been deliberately made only Mist can revert it.


Verified Member
I mean that by, you can easily get knocked into your lava pit. Not that great. Thanks for making it more underpowered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get key word, "more".
How many plugins have you made exactly? What exactly do you know about balancing moves?

The developers work extremely hard making abilities in order to please us. Please show some respect.


Verified Member
I have to say, I Agree with the Other two. Lava Flow is a Hard to use Move Offensively Already Cutting its Defensive Properties is Not really the Best. I'm not Demanding a Revert But adding a toggle inside the config for the move would be a Extremely nice compromise. *I only just registered to post my opinion on this lol, Lurkers are Lurking ;)*


Staff member
I have to say, I Agree with the Other two. Lava Flow is a Hard to use Move Offensively Already Cutting its Defensive Properties is Not really the Best. I'm not Demanding a Revert But adding a toggle inside the config for the move would be a Extremely nice compromise. *I only just registered to post my opinion on this lol, Lurkers are Lurking ;)*
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