Description: This ability allows a plantbender to create a whip of leaves. This can be used to make a bridge for a short amount of time, to attack your opponent, and even to trap them! To use this ability, you first must find plants. Then, press shift to select the plant as your source. You may release shift after you've done this. Then, left click, and a whip of plants will be bent from the plant. When you click again, a dome will be created around the thing it hits!
Range: 20.0
Damage: 4.0
SourceRange: 20
RevertTime: 20000.0
CoolDown: 100.0
Speed: 0.8
TravelTime: 5000
DomeRadius: 3
ContinueOnHit: false
LeavesOnly: false
CreateDome: true
Hollow: false