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Denied ShadowBending

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Verified Member
Guys I never stated this idea was canon... And btw, I just wanted someone to make this ability for fun, like a suggestion to players that make custom abilities or whatever.

And everyone can just calm dem tatas.


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Actually the comic that the character was in
in was made by the same people and published by the same publisher. Therefore not fan fiction
1. It says non canon at the top of the page.
2. It was published by Nickelodeon, not Mike and Bryan
3. There is nowhere that this event fits into the timeline
4. If this was an actual, legit bending art, it would have been put in the series somewhere
5. "Comics" aren't considered canon, but the Graphic Novels
6. The characters in it (including Analay) were made by fans, and are thus fan-fiction.


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Are you blind !!?!213!#$# (>–.–)>
Nope not blind just don't care if a wiki considers it non-canon.
1. It says non canon at the top of the page.
2. It was published by Nickelodeon, not Mike and Bryan
3. There is nowhere that this event fits into the timeline
4. If this was an actual, legit bending art, it would have been put in the series somewhere
5. "Comics" aren't considered canon, but the Graphic Novels
6. The characters in it (including Analay) were made by fans, and are thus fan-fiction.
1. Not gonna care if a wiki says that something isn't considered canon.
2. "They are official comics and were originally released by Nickelodeon Magazine and Nickelodeon Comics Club"
3. Book 2
4. Not necessarily. There are plenty of sub-elements we don't know about.
5. That's illogical because the show was made after the comics, so the comics would be the most canon source of information I up there.
6. Yes, but the comic was still created by Nickelodeon, and is included in the bonus stories of the avatar series, so it has some portion of canon in it.

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
In the episode of the Book of Fire where Aang couldn't sleep:
Aang saw Appa and Momo fighting. Did that happen? No. Is it canon that Appa is a Samurai? No.
Please, you need to see the difference between canon and non-canon.


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In the episode of the Book of Fire where Aang couldn't sleep:
Aang saw Appa and Momo fighting. Did that happen? No. Is it canon that Appa is a Samurai? No.
Please, you need to see the difference between canon and non-canon.
That's called hallucinating and isn't really a valid example when every other part in the show showed Momo and appa as they are.
Nickelodeon does not decide what's cannon and what isn't.
Then who does


Verified Member
Guys I never stated this idea was canon... And btw, I just wanted someone to make this ability for fun, like a suggestion to players that make custom abilities or whatever.

And everyone can just calm dem tatas.
Well, maybe you should've prefaced with that. This suggestions forum is for the Core plugin. Meaning, that you're suggesting it be added to the main plugin, as a default for everyone downloading it. Making your own element, at this point, isn't even really bending, but you could ask a coder to add something like this to the resources forum (which has lots of other custom moves), for people to choose to add as custom moves. Or code it yourself, then add it to the Resources forum. However, shadowbending would have to be classified under a new element, and that might be kinda tricky.
My own opinion is that I don't support this being added anywhere.


Verified Member
Shadowbending itself would be like an entire new element.
Nope if you realy think about it, shadow bendings more of a sub element of fire like they manipulated it to be a shadow, like a illusion. We can find out whats canon and non canon by asking the creators, my dads close friends with them. MAJOR PERKS!!!! anyways there you go!


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Nope if you realy think about it, shadow bendings more of a sub element of fire like they manipulated it to be a shadow, like a illusion. We can find out whats canon and non canon by asking the creators, my dads close friends with them. MAJOR PERKS!!!! anyways there you go!
Um no. Firebending cannot control shadows. Shadows don't have a physical enough for to be controlled by one of the elements.


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Nope not blind just don't care if a wiki considers it non-canon.

1. Not gonna care if a wiki says that something isn't considered canon.
2. "They are official comics and were originally released by Nickelodeon Magazine and Nickelodeon Comics Club"
3. Book 2
4. Not necessarily. There are plenty of sub-elements we don't know about.
5. That's illogical because the show was made after the comics, so the comics would be the most canon source of information I up there.
6. Yes, but the comic was still created by Nickelodeon, and is included in the bonus stories of the avatar series, so it has some portion of canon in it.
Where in book 2 could it have happened?
Also, the show came first not the comics.
Not to mention shadows aren't anything. They are qualatative, not quantitative. If anything this would be a spirit thing. Even further, this has nothing to do regarding to any of the other elements. Also even consider the slightest amount of logic in it. Even if a shadow could extend beyond its origin, it would need to move faster than the speed of light, and then suddenly create mass out of nothing in order to grab things.


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No Offence but Shadow Bending is more like the anime Soul Eater or Kingdom Hearts. I like the idea and I think it would be cool but I don't remember anything in the shows about shadow bending.


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Side note: if this were added how would it even work? When would you be close enough to select somebody's shadow? If you're going to get that close, just be a chiblocker. If you would use their shadows from afar, it would be a sourcless, insta-hit. Way OP.

Second: just because nickelodeon published the comics do you think they sat down and said "Okay, will these comics adhere to the canon?". No. One person stood there and said "This will sell." And boom.
The Last Airbender movie was licensed by Nickelodeon, and as we all know, that wasn't canon, or even accurate.

Of Light Rain

Verified Member
Nope if you realy think about it, shadow bendings more of a sub element of fire like they manipulated it to be a shadow, like a illusion. We can find out whats canon and non canon by asking the creators, my dads close friends with them. MAJOR PERKS!!!! anyways there you go!
And my Grandpa worked with the President.

Side note: if this were added how would it even work? When would you be close enough to select somebody's shadow? If you're going to get that close, just be a chiblocker. If you would use their shadows from afar, it would be a sourcless, insta-hit. Way OP.

Second: just because nickelodeon published the comics do you think they sat down and said "Okay, will these comics adhere to the canon?". No. One person stood there and said "This will sell." And boom.
The Last Airbender movie was licensed by Nickelodeon, and as we all know, that wasn't canon, or even accurate.
I think we can give it a rest. Shadowbending isn't a thing, nor will it ever be. Let them argue why it should, most of us can guess that PK's devs are probably laughing at the efforts we are putting into defending our opinions on this.


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Ok so I would just like to say that I myself do not think this should be added. I'm going to end any arguments adhering to me:
I never said it should be added, all I ever said is that it has some merit of it being canon. While it may not be fully canon, I do believe there is some grain of it being canon.
I think we can give it a rest. Shadowbending isn't a thing, nor will it ever be. Let them argue why it should, most of us can guess that PK's devs are probably laughing at the efforts we are putting into defending our opinions on this.
If you haven't seen, I defend my opinions to the fullest. In my opinion, shadowbending could be a thing. It was just never canon except for one comic. People are a bit too stuck on the idealism that everything has to be canon.


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Ok so I would just like to say that I myself do not think this should be added. I'm going to end any arguments adhering to me:
I never said it should be added, all I ever said is that it has some merit of it being canon. While it may not be fully canon, I do believe there is some grain of it being canon.

If you haven't seen, I defend my opinions to the fullest. In my opinion, shadowbending could be a thing. It was just never canon except for one comic. People are a bit too stuck on the idealism that everything has to be canon.
I know it won't be added, but My argument is to prove that this is not canon, and so people can learn how to tell if something is canon.
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