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Water should be able to cut through some earthbendable blocks! Remember the episode "The Drill"? Aang and Katara used a whip of water to cut through the metal poles that were supporting the drill to make the drill collapse. The same could be done with MC waterbending! Sand would take like 2-3 shots to break, Dirt would take 4-5, Cobblestone would take 6-7, Stone would take 9-10, and metal blocks like Iron blocks, Gold blocks, and Diamond blocks would take about 15-20, and Obsidian would take 50-100 shots though. This would make waterbending a bit more realistic towards the show, and real life!(By the way, the amount of time it takes to break any of the blocks listed could be configured by the owner).
Why its not OP: No one makes bases out of sand, dirt, and especially not metallic blocks. If someone had a base made of any metallic block, they either have xray, are really lucky, or spends hours mining.
Also, EVERY element can do this! In the Sozin's Comet Part:4 Aang used airbending in the avatarstate on a rock pillar and dug right through it. In "The Drill" Aang and Katara used water to cut through the metal braces so the drill will collapse. In some episode of Legend Of Korra (Sorry don't remember) Genzin (Sorry if i spelled that wrong) used a shuriken of lava to rip out of a wooden cage. In "The Chase" Toph made a big wall of earth and Azula made a big hole in the middle with lightning. Its not needed, but its canon to the show.
Why its not OP: No one makes bases out of sand, dirt, and especially not metallic blocks. If someone had a base made of any metallic block, they either have xray, are really lucky, or spends hours mining.
Also, EVERY element can do this! In the Sozin's Comet Part:4 Aang used airbending in the avatarstate on a rock pillar and dug right through it. In "The Drill" Aang and Katara used water to cut through the metal braces so the drill will collapse. In some episode of Legend Of Korra (Sorry don't remember) Genzin (Sorry if i spelled that wrong) used a shuriken of lava to rip out of a wooden cage. In "The Chase" Toph made a big wall of earth and Azula made a big hole in the middle with lightning. Its not needed, but its canon to the show.
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