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Complete Waterbending Rework - Sourcing and Dynamics

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Hello members of the ProjectKorra Community. I have noticed a lot of talk about changes to waterbending recently, and I just wanted to make a big post to put them to rest. I agree with most of you on the fact that waterbending needs a change. Not necessarily an upgrade, but a change. Which is fitting, as waterbending is the element of change, yet its been the least changed element thus far (Not saying it hasn't been given any moves, just its the least fundamentally changed). Water as it is, is very, select and click, or hold and click, which is so un-true to the basic principle of waterbending, which is to change and adapt water to fit your advantage. Yes, this is seen in some aspects (phasechange and a waterwave) but I dont think thats enough (As it only relates to the actual physical state of the water). In this suggestion I will be proposing some needed changes to water, having to do with sourcing and dynamics.

First of all, we have to examine current sourcing. As it is, water's is very bland. You have to be facing the water that you are using, and you have to reselect a new body of water to draw from every time a move is used. Both of these aspects, as we know, are simply not true. As proven many times by individuals on the forums, water bending does not require one to look at the source being bent:

As one can see in all of these gifs, waterbenders are using sources that they are not looking at or facing directly. Waterbenders have the ability to use ambient water to bend. Which I dont think I need to find more gifs for, as there are a few memorable examples of this (Katara and Aang: Geyserbending, Katara:bending rain, Hama: Using water from midair, Probending: Using water that is not explicitly visible to you). I dont think the plugin should go this far; Being able to bend without actively selecting a source would make water lose one of it's big disadvantages, which is finding water. Sadly, full realism is not possible in minecraft. However, there is a way to make a more realistic source selecting system.

First off, some things need to be said for my suggestion to be clear and understandable. I am going to define some terms that are going to be used in the next section.
  • Passive Source: Water existing as it does normally; not being bent. ex: Water in a river/ocean/lake
  • Selected Source: The source that is selected and stays consistant across all binds
  • Active Source: Water actively being controlled by the waterbender. ex: water flying around in a torrent/watermanipulation. Water being used to hold up a shield. The water that is propelling you in a waterwave.
To start, selected sourcing would be persistant. What I mean by this is once you select a source for your bending, your bending will continue to draw from that source point. If you select a water block in an ocean, you will draw your torrent from it, once the water fills back in the spot taken, the water will re-selected as your next source. This will happen unless the source does not regenerate. For example, if you bend from a leaf block, your source will need to be reselected (unless you want to wait for the leaf to regen). This will allow for waterbenders to use sources like they do in the avatar universe. In tandem with realism, this will also allow waterbenders to take steps away from their pools/lakes and fight on even ground with other benders; virtually eliminating "water camping" (as it's been called). So long as the waterbender stays within the range that the move they are currently using allows, their selected source will be automatically used. So, to sum up that paragraph for those of you who dont feel like reading a book, here goes:
  • You will be able to use one source for more than one move, without having to reselect
  • This allows waterbenders more freedom in where they can go, without the need of a body of water directly in front of them.
  • As long as the move you are using allows you to use a source from the distance that your selected source lies, you will automatically use your selected source. (you cant shoot a torrent from 20 blocks away, but you can shoot a watermanipulation from that far).
  • Would eliminate the need to "water camp"
Along with changes in passive and selected sourcing, I am proposing a change to how a waterbender can utilize his or her active source in new ways. Waterbending's basic principle is to change and adapt, turn offense into defense and vice versa. Currently, there really isn't any way to do this. Let me show you what I mean. In the following video, Kya uses one active source of water to do a few different things. If you watch from about 0:23 to 0:31, you see that Kya changes her active source to do what she needs, which is a trademark of waterbending. She first uses it as a strike, and then as a waterwave, and then attempts to use it again as another strike, all of this without needing to reselect.

My idea is to make it so the active source changes to fit the move selected. So long as the user holds crouch. This will allow the user to change an octopusform to a torrent, a torrent to a watershield, a watershield to an octopusform, and then to a waterwave, and then before landing, use the water in the waterwave to form a shield/torrent/form. As long as they keep holding crouch, the active source adapts to the needs of the user, like how waterbending should be. Another example of this being used in the series is when Katara fought the Dai Li during "The Crossroads of Destiny"

This idea could be taken even further to make things more interesting. A user could charge a torrent, and while holding shift, they switch to watermanipulation and then click, the active source would take priority over the selected source, and allow the user to shoot from the torrent ring (active) source (until the water runs out).

Overall, These suggestions would change water for the better, and allow for more dynamic and realistic battles between benders. Waterbenders could tread outside of their safe water-filled homes and be more like the benders that live in the avatar universe. Water is the element of change, and it needs one, badly.

Thank you for reading my suggestion! Hopefully a few aspects, if not all of it, gets added into the core plugin!
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Verified Member
Thank you THANK YOU!!! I'm finally getting some hope that water will become realistic!! All those different posts probably were a bit confusing for everyone, not clear what we were trying to point out with our 'better water source selecting and using' stuff but you made a very nice clear good realistic thread about it!


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Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Ur so amazing Kiam
Well I wouldn't say he is amazing. He was smart for putting this in one CLEAR suggestion, but the ideas have been suggested before. I give him credit for being able to make this thread and have it be clear. Props to him.

But concept designer suggests something, the only person really left to accept or deny it is MistPhizzle xD


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Also I think some moves should be exempt from the selected source. Like iceblast.

And if this is added there should be a way for developers to define if the waterbending move is able to be used with one of the sources.


I am very proud to say I got some of the gifs for this post. Proud of you c:
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