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Water wave (CHANGE)

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Verified Member
Well actually fire jet can be used forever just look at azula so yeah lol but I'm just saying she picked up the water from the ground and used it seemingly forever
Waterwave has longer range, and faster speed, this thread seems somewhat biased. Don't suggest one mobility move to be made vastly superior to another when they are equal in the same category you want to buff waterwave. So you want waterwave to go on forever? Add to the post to make firejet go on forever. For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction. Don't ignore that.


Verified Member
Waterwave has longer range, and faster speed, this thread seems somewhat biased. Don't suggest one mobility move to be made vastly superior to another when they are equal in the same category you want to buff waterwave. So you want waterwave to go on forever? Add to the post to make firejet go on forever. For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction. Don't ignore that.
Okay thanks but I'm just trying to say that Ming hua just used the water that fell from the ground and used it as a water wave look at the gif


Verified Member
I'm just trying to make water wave last forever until it gets disrupted that the hell
And it would have a better chance and make it fairer to the rest of us if firejet kept going until it gets disrupted. Opposing viewpoint bias coming up again? Have you looked up the term? Anyways, it basically effects your ability to view the other side in a argument. In this case, if you had no experience on the other side you would have more trouble relating to it, and only state the factors that would help you. Such as it is, with people suggesting buffing certain ability's when other element's ability's just as much deserve the same buff, while it would be quite easy to include the other element. This is unfortunately human nature. You must help yourself before helping others.
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Verified Member
And it would have a better chance and make it fairer to the rest of us if firejet kept going until it gets disrupted. Opposing viewpoint bias coming up again? Have you looked up the term?
... Piss off.. Water wave has to be on the ground and do it continuously fire jet can fly up


Verified Member
... Piss off.. Water wave has to be on the ground and do it continuously fire jet can fly up
Actually waterwave can go upwards, just like firejet. Am I dealing with selective viewpoint bias or someone who has not figured out that if I look up while using waterwave I will go up?


Verified Member
Actually waterwave can go upwards, just like firejet. Am I dealing with selective viewpoint bias or someone who has not figured out that if I look up while using waterwave I will go up?


Verified Member
I think that waterwave shouldn't go up, it just isn't too logical, maybe 3-4 blocks upwards, but you never see them in the show flying straight upwards. Except for Katarta when she saved Aang from falling after Azula used lightning on him in avy state, but to be fair she didn't go to high up, and I hate that waterwave leaves the ground a lil bit and it isn't really a wave.... its like you are riding on a giant torrent.
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Verified Member
Catapult sure does go a lot faster then waterwave. I suppose you mean to say flying? The fact that you solely want a permanent flying move added to water just because it is faster then the one it already has, then I suppose you are just having a severe case of Opposing Viewpoint blindness. Notice how you are using caps and whatnot so that you have a louder argument. Now may we return to having a civilized internet argument? lol. :p
I think that waterwave shouldn't go up, it just isn't too logical, maybe 3-4 blocks upwards, but you never see them in the show flying straight upwards.
I feel like that would be a major debuff, but k. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I respect yours.


Verified Member
Catapult sure does go a lot faster then waterwave. I suppose you mean to say flying? The fact that you solely want a permanent flying move added to water just because it is faster then the one it already has, then I suppose you are just having a severe case of Opposing Viewpoint blindness. Notice how you are using caps and whatnot so that you have a louder argument. Now may we return to having a civilized internet argument? lol. :p

I feel like that would be a major debuff, but k. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I respect yours.
I could see it being a debuff but, waterwave isn't really a wave anymore. not that it ever was. But the point being I wish it was still a wave where you moved rapidly along the ground. But flying through the air its not realistic at all, and on full moons you fly so fast it is ridiculous.


Verified Member
I could see it being a debuff but, waterwave isn't really a wave anymore. not that it ever was. But the point being I wish it was still a wave where you moved rapidly along the ground. But flying through the air its not realistic at all, and on full moons you fly so fast it is ridiculous.
That's what I mean it should just roll on the ground


Verified Member
That's what I mean it should just roll on the ground
Read my new edit
Catapult sure does go a lot faster then waterwave. I suppose you mean to say flying? The fact that you solely want a permanent flying move added to water just because it is faster then the one it already has, then I suppose you are just having a severe case of Opposing Viewpoint blindness. Notice how you are using caps and whatnot so that you have a louder argument. Now may we return to having a civilized internet argument? lol. :p

I feel like that would be a major debuff, but k. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I respect yours.
read my new edit


Verified Member
Not bad, but even with this maybe waterwave should go slower. I mean, this is faster then firejet, and it now can last forever according to this post.


Verified Member
Not bad, but even with this maybe waterwave should go slower. I mean, this is faster then firejet, and it now can last forever according to this post.
Yeah I totally get it I would love it if water save could be like air scooter except a little slower (weight of water)


Verified Member
Well if it was a valid suggestion as it was, people wouldnt have responded. I only set this as "Looking into" if it included my changes.
It will include your changed but If it includes my changes too... Have us be able to reuse the water from that "Dripped" on the ground and have the water wave go on until it us disrupted
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