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Verified Member
hey guyz its pookie. This thread isn't really at all about the plugin as such but wondering through social media I realise the bending plugin is much unappreciated.

The bottom line of this forum is that I think project Korra should really step up and make there very own YouTube Channel that could have:
Server spotlights
Let's plays

And many more...
But I think lots can agree that making a YouTube channel will really help those who want to start making moves and designing concepts.
But most of all it would deffinately help expand the community and spread the word about our awesome plug in!

Please tell me what you think and give me your criticism and advise :D



Verified Member
Just search for "Q&A ProjectKorra" and I have no doubt you'll find it.
I still think project Korra could use a more professional YouTube channel that posts a minimum of every week and has a job specifically designated to YouTube and directly aimed at social media.

Then again I am only a member and it is really up to someone of higher power than me to take action with this. I just thought this might benefit us as a community more


Verified Member
Me too. I heard that they are gonna be launching player made reviews about the plugin. We are also asked to expect a upcoming Q&A from that Channel (needs to get a lot of questions from us, supporters/players, before they could start it).


Verified Member
Me too. I heard that they are gonna be launching player made reviews about the plugin. We are also asked to expect a upcoming Q&A from that Channel (needs to get a lot of questions from us, supporters/players, before they could start it).
And where did you hear that from?


God Tier Member
Verified Member
Again a great YouTube channel but still I think we could use a more professional view and a job in the website specifically designated to social media and the branches that stretch off that topic
Oh, I totally agree with you! There needs to be more PK stuff on youtube, plus I just wanted an excuse to advertise my channel. no mic anymore tho, so no videos for a while ;-;
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