xDI hope that a staff member will soon make its decision Accept or decline this is the issue 8D
Love it! Great idea!WaterSeal
Basic Setup:
waterseal: Shift to form a flowing waterseal around you, click (While still holding shift) to freeze the bubble you're in.
Simply click again, to make the ice into water again.
to take off waterseal, you need to completly release shift. *Basic Surge setup*
WaterSeal, Basically an upgraded surge & waterbubble.
WaterSeal allows the player to create a waterbubble, around then, even on land.
This is very good for when facing fire & earthbenders, maybe even air. don't forget about chi!
Earth: When earth has to guard it's full surroundings, they use EarthGrab.
Air: When Air has to guard it's full surroundings, they use airshield
Fire: When fire has to guard it's full surroundings, they use firesheild, ( sorta, firesheild is, as effective)
Point is, Fire,Air, & earth, have a protection, that can fully cover them.
How is this move even helpful?
Attacked by fire, When you're suddenly attacked by a firebender, you try to fight them, while you're burning in pain!
You need to block the fire, so you use surge under you!, then he attacks you AGAIN! while your trying to cooldown!
So, Try waterseal?,
When attacked by a firebender, you burrrn, then you use waterseal, waterseal guards you from fireblast,
even when you don't don't see the firebender, firejetting right behind you, to blast you. you can still be safe!
this gives you enough time to act fast!, But be warned!!!
This dosn't last like fire shield does, Waterbubble should last about, 15secs maybe, Then when the time is up.....
POP!, the WaterSeal has broken!, This also gives it a cooldown!, Right when the WaterSeal pops, you won't be able to use right away
again, you need to wait for it, for about, i'd say, 30secs?,
That's not the end!!, That is only for FIRE,
Earth: Feel tapped ? when on earth?, because an earthbender constantly spams, earthgrab at you?, but you try using surge to climb the wall!
try WATERSEAL!, When you get grabed, or try before you even get grabed, you hold shift, then the waterseal appears, if earth can still
go through, try freezing the bubble!, But be warned, this is not an opped move, where you are fully safe, this waterseal
does NOT, cover you, BELOW!, They can still shift inside the bubble, and hit you, with the earth below you.
Air: Feel spammed by an airbender? only using airswipe? then running away?,
You try using surge, but mostly goes right through it?
Try water seal!, If this works out for air, try freezing the bubble, to block anything from coming inside!
Getting airsuctioned? and taking Huge fall damage?, That just makes the fight unfair!,When you're high in the air, or just have enough time,
you only hold Shift, due to no blocks under you, you are completly covered, top-to-bottom in water, making the fall, a bit better for you.
Even CHI! : Feel stuck? when a chiblocker runs at you, and he Gets to close, BLOCK HIM OUT!
freezing your self completly, allowing him not to hurt you!, and may give you a slightly help of attcking them again!
WaterSeal, allows a waterbender to be completly covered with flowing, motioned water, and to even make this sound a bit better,
why not upgrade this waterseal, to be the new waterbubble? Where you can even go underwater with it, and still, have air?
Simple, if you can, just apply the waterbubble, to the move, making this work near water, just go on the slot, and when in water,
it surrounds air around you?,
But what you, want to use it on water?, You can basically!, water won't be around you, but you will still have the bubble around you!
also working on ice!, because ice is a solid, and will not make an opening. waterseal actually even moves with the player, like waterbubble in water.
people say, "Why not just you torrent on yourself?, why? so you can then be blasted while trapped (basically), or earthgrabed..
just saying, Torrent, and freezing it on you, dosn't quit make it roomy inside, you are in, 2 blocks basically, top, and below,
and it doesn't move with you, waterseal, however, can give you the space inside of it, like waterbubble underwater, and it moves with you!
waterseal should be able to work with, bottles,plants, & water.
If you have read, all of this......... Thank you.
You will know, in the video, What waterseal should look like,
Tarrlok uses this move, and also shoots ice out of it, ice ( not really my goal).
Looking into basically just means we saw it and didn't deny it outright
Not in 1.8. 1.8 sucks.This has a literally identical effect to what you want, and no new moves required :3
Yet again, not in 1.8I'm personally not a fan of this idea. You can do this easily with torrent while on land, and just using phase change when in water. I keep seeing suggestions for moves that are essentially shortcuts and an alternative for practicing with other moves.
Skitz, this was copy paste plagiarized. Report it.
Look at the recent posts........? wut
Ugg, I mean recent threads.Look at the recent posts.
I posted a link in your profile.still not understanding.....