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Water addition/combo

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Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
And waterwave would look like that: You let torrent flow around you > you select waterspout click > water comes at you > you fly and land > water goes from the middle back to the look from torrent (animation of waterwave backwards) and you can go on using it.
Plus, whenever you change slot from torrent to another one like for example manip, you don't need to shift anymore it will flow around you just like that and you have to click (no selecting since you take the water from torrent which is already selected).
So you can run with a water ring around you?


Verified Member
Water addition/combo

I read the suggestion (which got added) dynamic sources from Kiam McQuaid and saw that he wrote something about a combo to shoot out iceblast out of your torrent, so I thought I could make a thread for this.


The addition:
Lets say you are on torrent and the ring is already flowing around you, now u change slot to waterarms (the ring will still flow around you) and if you click you will get your arms.

This would work for waterarms to torrent too = You have waterarms selected. You shift (maybe 2 times) and click and ur arms will flow around u like torrent.


The combos:

Shoot manip out of your torrent:

Go to torrent, let the water flow around you and change to watermanipulation (water will still flow around you). Now u can shoot 9 manips out of your torrent (I think torrent consists of nine waterblocks).

Shoot iceblast out of your torrent:

Go to torrent, let water flow around you and change to iceblast (water will still flow around you). Now you can shoot 9 iceblasts (ofcourse with a cooldown) out of your torrent.

Now you could combine this:

Go to torrent, let the water flow around you and change to watermanipulation. Lets say you shoot 3 manips. Then u change to iceblast (the water will flow around you but will consist of 6 waterblocks now). Now you change to iceblast and shoot 2 iceblasts out of your torrent, means you have 4 water blocks flowing around you after doing that. Now u change to torrent and shoot the leftover.


Why I think this should be added?

The new dynamic source was a nice step further to make water the element which it is. And this addition will help too. It brings more possibilties of what u are going to do next.


Thanks for reading. Any questions? Ask please.


Water is the Element of Change.​

I'm not sure if anyone has figured it out, but "This would work for waterarms to torrent too = You have waterarms selected. You shift (maybe 2 times) and click and ur arms will flow around u like torrent." - Wouldn't releasing shift even once for like 0.1 seconds cause the torrent to dissipate? Correct me if I'm wrong (if I'm wrong, then I'll feel really dumb). This adds more diversity of water and I don't really have anything against or for it so "where ever the wind takes this" I really don't mind.

-Good luck


Verified Member

I'm not sure if anyone has figured it out, but "This would work for waterarms to torrent too = You have waterarms selected. You shift (maybe 2 times) and click and ur arms will flow around u like torrent." - Wouldn't releasing shift even once for like 0.1 seconds cause the torrent to dissipate? Correct me if I'm wrong (if I'm wrong, then I'll feel really dumb). This adds more diversity of water and I don't really have anything against or for it so "where ever the wind takes this" I really don't mind.

-Good luck
True, maybe make it like that: waterarms click 2 times, shift > torrent flows around you
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