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Torrent Redirection

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Verified Member
There is no argument to say that redirecting another persons torrent was not in the show. It was done many times, so I think it should be added.

To use hold shift and click on the incoming torrent and it will wrap around you and you can use it like usual. This doesn't has a cooldown because it is fairly simple.

This will make water benders fights better and more interesting.


Verified Member
Expecting to see people complaining on how your lacking idea would make torrent never ending throw and catch game and that it will become less fearfull attack. Add/Change some tributes to balance this addition.


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there needs to be some sort of downside to this, so we don't have never ending torrent fights...


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Would you shut up, i made a post and im not going to search thoughout this website to see if someone posted it thanks.


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They could make it a bit difficult to actually grab a hold of. Watermanipulation is redirected and a bit difficult. And Earth Smash is also a bit difficult to redirect. I say do it more like Earth Smash as far as grabbing the water goes. Shift while looking at the water stream to grab the water and circle you so you can reshoot it.

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
Expecting to see people complaining on how your lacking idea would make torrent never ending throw and catch game and that it will become less fearfull attack. Add/Change some tributes to balance this addition.
You can move Torrent so it hits your opponent in their back, or in their sides. Control it so your opponent can't see where it is. Boom, redirecting problem solved.
How do you do with manip? Could just spam, but you could also dodge your manip from your foe's control.


Verified Member
You can also spam water manip so that if the player is using bottles, the redirector can just click and the water manip hits the bottle user before they can do anything else xD


Verified Member
Either one of these two will do. Torrent is suppose to be a devasting attack, thus making the redirection addition to it would seem kinda wrong there.
Torrent, as said before, can be redirected. Maybe the torrent would require you to look at the front of the torrent, sort of making a hitbox for it just like earthsmash. There could also be a feature that you have to make a 360 degree turn.


Verified Member
You can move Torrent so it hits your opponent in their back, or in their sides. Control it so your opponent can't see where it is. Boom, redirecting problem solved.
How do you do with manip? Could just spam, but you could also dodge your manip from your foe's control.
Torrent, as said before, can be redirected. Maybe the torrent would require you to look at the front of the torrent, sort of making a hitbox for it just like earthsmash. There could also be a feature that you have to make a 360 degree turn.
I thought we are discussing about redirecting someone's else torrent? I already mentioned 360 degree turn. Since Katara and Hama had to do the ballerina's spin to redirected, I myself think too that this redirection step wouldn't be a bad idea to reenact that action from a show into a game a little bit. Bending seriously needs some other control system types, than just having to smash the LBM and Sneak/#Other buttons all the time, give us a new dynamic to the plugin which puts a rule that a few bending's techniques are only executive with the bender's physical movement.

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
I thought we are discussing about redirecting someone's else torrent? I already mentioned 360 degree turn. Since Katara and Hama had to do the ballerina's spin to redirected, I myself think too that this redirection step wouldn't be a bad idea to reenact that action from a show into a game a little bit. Bending seriously needs some other control system types, than just having to smash the LBM and Sneak/#Other buttons all the time, give us a new dynamic to the plugin which puts a rule that a few bending's techniques are only executive with the bender's physical movement.
Control it so your opponent can't see where it is
If the opponent can't see your Torrent, he can't click and shift at it and, as so, can't redirect it.
What I was trying to say is that if you don't want people to redirect your Torrent, just move it so it is hard for them to click at the water blocks xD


Verified Member
When did the redirection feature came out? :D
... Lemme guess, it is in Beta 10 and I haven't notice that for some reason in the log? :p
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