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Denied Soundwave


Verified Member
Seismic sense, though its a universal earth move, is extremely specific. Toph picked it up because she was blind and she had a heightened sense of touch. Combined with the ability to earth bend, she was able to feel the vibrations in the ground. That doesnt go against the anatomy of the human body. Fire benders can transfer the lightning through their arm and out the other because they can control lightning. Anybody can transfer electricity from one point of the body, to another. The difference with fire benders is that their lightning manipulation ability keeps them from being grounded and controls the direction of the current. The ability of the human body to transfer an electrical current does not go against the limits of the human body either. Being a bender does not change your anatomy. All benders are human. Air benders dont naturally have super elastic or really big lungs just because they can bend air. Benders dont defy the human body's limitations. They manipulate the environment around them to preform amazimg feats while retaining the physical limitations of the body.
I didn't say seismic sense went against human anatomy, however, Toph's enhanced senses would be the human portion, and with her earthbending she could sense thing to a degree that would be impossible for humans to sense. Her bending served to amplify her senses under certain conditions. She could feel every fibre of the earth, which even allowed her to discover metalbending. Even as Toph has become older the range at which she can detect things is too extraordinary for a non-bendable to ever to capable of.

With lightning I said through one arm, their STOMACH and out the other arm. This would essentially mean they must use their own bodies as conductors. The process is very specific and must be done correctly, lest it kill them. They have to transfer energy that has the power to damage and kill through their own bodies to redirect it. This is not something a non-bending human being could ever do. The human body would not normally withstand that process.

Early in The Last Airbender Aang sneezed out air from his lungs with enough force to push himself high into the air. A non-bending human being could not be capable of that.

My point still stands that benders can perform or withstand certain things that would not be possible because of their bending abilities. As much as I would normally agree with you, this is not just physicality, but also spirituality. Humans in this world can be capable of doing things that we may not perceive as possible or logical with the right means.

(By the way, you've been raising really good points, and it's good because the criticism is healthy for suggestions. Sharing ideas to deem them worthy of being implemented, but I don't want to drag on this debate too much. This really boils down to whether or not this suggestion is something the dev team will want to add to the plug-in. It already has a "looking into" status, which kind of takes things out of our hands at this point. I think we should just wait to see what happens. It may not be implemented either - you never know).
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I didn't say seismic sense went against human anatomy, however, Toph's enhanced senses would be the human portion, and with her earthbending she could sense thing to a degree that would be impossible for humans to sense. Her bending served to amplify her senses under certain conditions. She could feel every fibre of the earth, which even allowed her to discover metalbending. Even as Toph has become older the range at which she can detect things is too extraordinary for a non-bendable to ever to capable of.

With lightning I said through one arm, their STOMACH and out the other arm. This would essentially mean they must use their own bodies as conductors. The process is very specific and must be done correctly, lest it kill them. They have to transfer energy that has the power to damage and kill through their own bodies to redirect it. This is not something a non-bending human being could ever do. The human body would not normally withstand that process.

Early in The Last Airbender Aang sneezed out air from his lungs with enough force to push himself high into the air. A non-bending human being could not be capable of that.

My point still stands that benders can perform or withstand certain things that would not be possible because of their bending abilities. As much as I would normally agree with you, this is not just physicality, but also spirituality. Humans in this world can be capable of doing things that we may not perceive as possible or logical with the right means.

(By the way, you've been raising really good points, and it's good because the criticism is healthy for suggestions. Sharing ideas to deem them worthy of being implemented, but I don't want to drag on this debate too much. This really boils down to whether or not this suggestion is something the dev team will want to add to the plug-in. It already has a "looking into" status, which kind of takes things out of our hands at this point. I think we should just wait to see what happens. It may not be implemented either - you never know).
Someone did the maths and going by Aang's proportion and the height he reached when he sneezed, you can conclude that an airbenders sneeze is more powerful than a jet engine B)


Verified Member
Someone did the maths and going by Aang's proportion and the height he reached when he sneezed, you can conclude that an airbenders sneeze is more powerful than a jet engine B)
Oh shoot! There's sneezing and then there's that! :O



Verified Member
I wanna try!
There is a video of a bunch of kids standing on wooden stools and rubber chairs near an electric fence. One kid is holding onto the fence with one hand and he holds one of his friends hand in to other. All of are holding hands so the current travels through them but doesnt shock them because they arent grounded. Then a guy who isnt on a stool or chair walks up and holds hands with the last guy in the line. They instantly become grounded and all of them feel the electricty shock them. Moral of the story: dont hold hands with your friends


I wanna try!
Use small voltages which are strong to give you a bit of a zap but not too bad, like the kind found in electric fly swats. You will feel the current move through you, usually across your arms, as well as feel a few contractions here and there along its way


Verified Member
Omg Iain you have no idea how much canon you just provided me with. I'm so overflowing with canon, that if I exploded (no pun intended), the circumference of the explosion would be as the sun's.


Omg Iain you have no idea how much canon you just provided me with. I'm so overflowing with canon, that if I exploded (no pun intended), the circumference of the explosion would be as the sun's.
You're welcome.


Verified Member


Verified Member
For MistPhizzle's sake just get over the reality part of it. Can't we spice up the plugin? Good lord, it's a game, real life does NOT have to apply to it. Minecraft was not made to be realistic. Why should bending? It's less realistic than Minecraft...


Ninjakid... I love you.