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Remove JetBlast

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Verified Member
I don't think JetBlast should exist as a combo just cause it boost's FireJet Ability and that's only the usefull thing about it.

Instead, move this buff and apply to FireJet ability, during when the day factor is on.


Verified Member
I don't think JetBlast should exist as a combo just cause it boost's FireJet Ability and that's only the usefull thing about it.

Instead, move this buff and apply to FireJet ability, during when the day factor is on.
I disagree. JetBlast has it's pros and cons. I've actually gone flying off the edge of a cliff or a floating island with jetblast. It's pretty useful in some situations, but it can be reckless, especially when people might notice you with the Explosion sound. JetBlast is basically our saving grace whenever we want to go fast at night. While Jetblaze is good, it isn't ALWAYS the best option.

If JetBlast becomes the Day time buff, that'd be pretty ridiculous also.
I don't see what's wrong with having JetBlast as a combo. It just gives firebenders more control on how they want their firejet.


Verified Member
It makes a boost of a jetblast, which might a rip off for the reason for the other abilities having the same "[to give]more control [to the existing thing]". I wouldn't like catapult for example being more faster or fireshield being increase in size.


Verified Member
It makes a boost of a jetblast, which might a rip off for the reason for the other abilities having the same "[to give]more control [to the existing thing]". I wouldn't like catapult for example being more faster or fireshield being increase in size.
That's you. JetBlast gives you the option to do either a Normal Jet, a Damaging Jet, or an extra fast Jet. There's nothing wrong with keeping JetBlast in the game. This of all things, seems like a rant if you had to ask me.


Verified Member
JetBlast gives you the option to do either a Normal Jet, a Damaging Jet, or an extra fast Jet
I didn't know about that part. Thought, what's of point of jetblast allowing you a normal jet only, only when you can accomplish by simple using normal Firejet? lol :p (unless, you referred using all your application at the same time and individually).

You make a valid point, thus I don't have anything more to say, so you win this argument.


Verified Member
I disagree. JetBlast has it's pros and cons. I've actually gone flying off the edge of a cliff or a floating island with jetblast. It's pretty useful in some situations, but it can be reckless, especially when people might notice you with the Explosion sound. JetBlast is basically our saving grace whenever we want to go fast at night. While Jetblaze is good, it isn't ALWAYS the best option.

If JetBlast becomes the Day time buff, that'd be pretty ridiculous also.
I don't see what's wrong with having JetBlast as a combo. It just gives firebenders more control on how they want their firejet.
You disagree with alot of things that involve nerfing fire...


Verified Member
Firejet justs need to not have 3 versions of itself.
I suggest you can hold shift on firejet and fly faster the longer you hold. And firejet shouldnt do firedamage (the combo i mean) because fire already has enough of that on its own. Or to get rid of the charging on firejet issue, make it so the long you hold shift while flying with it, the faster. Of course then you face a longer cooldown.


Verified Member
That's you. JetBlast gives you the option to do either a Normal Jet, a Damaging Jet, or an extra fast Jet. There's nothing wrong with keeping JetBlast in the game. This of all things, seems like a rant if you had to ask me.
Yeah ok.

PK explained that they don't want moves that are the same in their plugin because it would be op. Look what we have here. 3 firejets.
One that is super fast. So fast, its faster than airbenders.
Then we have one that burns! So not only we have a hard time seeing because of all the particles, we cant see even more because we are on fire!
Then we have the normal one that was perfectly fine on its own except firebenders can charge moves on it!

In case you haven't noticed, firejet on its own needs fixing.

And this is a rant.
Fire is soo uber op! Thay have a muve that amkes a BIG wall of fire and its broKEN. Thay kep reking me so it should not be ehre!!!!!

Get your facts and your phraseology straight. ;)


God Tier Member
Verified Member
I think JetBlast gives fire too much mobility, imo there are hardly any cons for choosing fire.
It has:
Great Damage
Great CC
Huge AoE
Short Cooldowns
Great Range
And with JetBlast they have tons of mobility!
The only cons of fire is their lack of fall damage protection, few defensive moves (but FireWall is still one of the most powerful defensive moves in the game), and being useless in water (but if you really shouldn't be in the water anyway).

Just my two cents.


Verified Member
Yeah ok.

PK explained that they don't want moves that are the same in their plugin because it would be op. Look what we have here. 3 firejets.
One that is super fast. So fast, its faster than airbenders.
Then we have one that burns! So not only we have a hard time seeing because of all the particles, we cant see even more because we are on fire!
Then we have the normal one that was perfectly fine on its own except firebenders can charge moves on it!

In case you haven't noticed, firejet on its own needs fixing.

And this is a rant.
Fire is soo uber op! Thay have a muve that amkes a BIG wall of fire and its broKEN. Thay kep reking me so it should not be ehre!!!!!

Get your facts and your phraseology straight. ;)
First off, I did mention that JetBlast has its cons. More than once I've gone careening off a cliff or landed in a lake with a waterbender. While there ARE different versions of FireJet, that's not a good enough reason to remove JetBlast. It definately gives Firebenders more "customization" with FireJet. Or should I say options. Regardless, let me go into more detail on the Jets.

Normal FireJet at day is fine. It's at a good, realistic speed for propelling yourself with fire. At nighttime, however, we move at half a mile an hour. It's honestly really pathetic how much Fire relies on FireJet. At night, we generally rely on JetBlast for speed good enough that we aren't going to be outclassed by a Torrent, AirBlast Jump, or Surge.

JetBlast is God's Gift to Firebenders. We can keep on par with a fleeing waterbender swiftswimming, and try to rush over to the spot where that damn AirBlaster just went. At day, it gives us incredible mobility for a couple of seconds but the same rules of Jetting apply. You have to make use of that Jet, otherwise you risk multiple Watermanipulations at your face or a torrent. Or a Shockwave. Or an AirSweep. You know the possibilities of what CAN happen are nearly endless due to Fire's basically non-existent defense. And I'm serious. Even when you throw at FireBlast to block that AirSwipe, another one comes just before YOU, the FIREBENDER can make another one. I'll continue this later as for I'm typing this on my phone. I do, however, recommend you try to realize how much Fire relies on FireJet.
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