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Octopusform little change

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Cause that is a waterbender technique but forsure not trapping someone and then slap one to death.
Remember the scene where Unalock fought his brother. What did he do after he froze him? He knocked him throught the ice with torrent/watermanipulation. Does it prove to you that waterbenders can slap you to death? By the canon content, I can say it is. And as I expecting you to say "but it is op", remember that I and promancer told you ways to avoid octopusform while in ice. If you're playing as a chi, you must do your best at avoiding ice, since you have good enough agility to avoid ice for long enough.


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Remember the scene where Unalock fought his brother. What did he do after he froze him? He knocked him throught the ice with torrent/watermanipulation. Does it prove to you that waterbenders can slap you to death? By the canon content, I can say it is. And as I expecting you to say "but it is op", remember that I and promancer told you ways to avoid octopusform while in ice. If you're playing as a chi, you must do your best at avoiding ice, since you have good enough agility to avoid ice for long enough.
He didn't slap him to death... He used torrent.


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But he could have. So what you're saying not everything is true.
He couldn't have. Slapping someone to death while the target is trapped in ice makes 0 sense.

To slap something, you must build up a little momentum. You can do that by slapping someone like this:

That's basicly what octopusform is doing. Now try doing that while you are entirely surrounded by ice. Or even better, try it while underwater. You can't hit the person like you can if you wouldn't be underwater.


Verified Member
He couldn't have. Slapping someone to death while the target is trapped in ice makes 0 sense.

To slap something, you must build up a little momentum. You can do that by slapping someone like this:

That's basicly what octopusform is doing. Now try doing that while you are entirely surrounded by ice. Or even better, try it while underwater. You can't hit the person like you can if you wouldn't be underwater.
If that was the cases, would some water(manipulation) splashing on someones face will make them die? I don't think so. Water can cut things, so it is logical for the octy to cut throught ice or other scenario, make the tentacle touch the ice, turning the touched spot into water, allowing to reach the player and "slap" the player


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If that was the cases, would some water(manipulation) splashing on someones face will make them die? I don't think so. Water can cut things, so it is logical for the octy to cut throught ice or other scenario, make the tentacle touch the ice, turning the touched spot into water, allowing to reach the player and "slap" the player
Watermanipulation isn't just a splash of water. It's a highly compressed cube of water that slashes at your opponent at high speed. Octopusform doesn't make a rapid slash motion, but a slapping motion. So:
He couldn't have. Slapping someone to death while the target is trapped in ice makes 0 sense.

To slap something, you must build up a little momentum. You can do that by slapping someone like this:

That's basicly what octopusform is doing. Now try doing that while you are entirely surrounded by ice. Or even better, try it while underwater. You can't hit the person like you can if you wouldn't be underwater.


Verified Member
Watermanipulation isn't just a splash of water. It's a highly compressed cube of water that slashes at your opponent at high speed. Octopusform doesn't make a rapid slash motion, but a slapping motion. So:
Blame the creator that added this verb in /b h OctopusForm, not me.


Verified Member
But he could have. So what you're saying not everything is true.

''Could'' isn't a good word to use in an argue.
I could eat an apple now, but I am answering to your comment. So do I eat an apple now?
Water probably could do loads of other stuff, but it isn't in pk either (same with the other Elements).

And in the Clip the ice shattered and he was out.


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In the clip, he smashed something into the ice at high speed. That's not what octopusform does.


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In the clip, he smashed something into the ice at high speed. That's not what octopusform does.
Besides this, the entire ice capsule shattered to pieces. Octopusform just removes the block at that location which makes even less sense.

So basicly, what needed to damage someone through ice is:
  • High momentum.
  • Compressed amount of water.
  • Space to build up the momentum.
  • If anything, the ice would shatter entirely.
What octopusform does:
  • Does not build up momentum.
  • Is simply a tail of water, considering it's created from 1 water block.
  • Goes through ice immediatly without having any space to smash into it.
  • Does not shatter the ice at all.
I think it's pretty obvious.


Verified Member
All right. I understand a bit better now. I still stand where I was stating. This technique may be nooby, but it's not told unless people are telling the new person. Anyways, without assistance, it would take thinking to come up with this. I do understand, however, the other perspectives of this. Now, I agree with Finn, the velocity of smacking wouldn't make the ice dissipate slowly but instead shatter all of the ice.

Now I have a great suggestion. Sorry if off topic but I'm suggesting something that will remove this but also keep the realism and simplicity to octopusform and ice. Going off what Finn said, the ice would shatter. As most of you JedCore fans out there who know icewall, maybe it should do the same effect. Any attack move that hits the ice will shatter all of the ice doing a configurable amount of damage. Now I know this will conflict so, torrent and surge are the only moves that will not shatter the ice unless configurable to do so.

Anyways, just wanted to suggest a little addon that would be cool. But like what sorin said, configuration editing this would make people who want this get it, but people who don't stay the same. Win-Win?


Verified Member
Besides this, the entire ice capsule shattered to pieces. Octopusform just removes the block at that location which makes even less sense.

So basicly, what needed to damage someone through ice is:
  • High momentum.
  • Compressed amount of water.
  • Space to build up the momentum.
  • If anything, the ice would shatter entirely.
What octopusform does:
  • Does not build up momentum.
  • Is simply a tail of water, considering it's created from 1 water block.
  • Goes through ice immediatly without having any space to smash into it.
  • Does not shatter the ice at all.
I think it's pretty obvious.
I agree on your judgement. I have nothing to oppose for.


Verified Member
''Could'' isn't a good word to start.
I could eat an apple now, but I am answering to your comment.
Water probably could do loads of other stuff, but it isn't in pk either (same with the other Elements).

And in the Clip the ice shattered and he was out.
All right. I understand a bit better now. I still stand where I was stating. This technique may be nooby, but it's not told unless people are telling the new person. Anyways, without assistance, it would take thinking to come up with this. I do understand, however, the other perspectives of this. Now, I agree with Finn, the velocity of smacking wouldn't make the ice dissipate slowly but instead shatter all of the ice.

Now I have a great suggestion. Sorry if off topic but I'm suggesting something that will remove this but also keep the realism and simplicity to octopusform and ice. Going off what Finn said, the ice would shatter. As most of you JedCore fans out there who know icewall, maybe it should do the same effect. Any attack move that hits the ice will shatter all of the ice doing a configurable amount of damage. Now I know this will conflict so, torrent and surge are the only moves that will not shatter the ice unless configurable to do so.

Anyways, just wanted to suggest a little addon that would be cool. But like what sorin said, configuration editing this would make people who want this get it, but people who don't stay the same. Win-Win?
Good idea :D
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