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If you have not seen episode 9 then I suggest you do not read any further unless you like spoilers.
New Waterbending Move: WaterLock
In episode 9, Ming-Hua trapped Bolin in a water sphere, that personally reminded
me of a move Juvia Lockser used (she's from fairytail for those who don't know xD)
so I am basing the move name off of the move she used, WaterLock.
Just like suffocation, hold shift at a enemy and they will be trapped in water sphere.
The move could do inital damage, or drown damage.
So, I'm thinking if you type /b h WaterLock this is what it'd say:
This ability is used by only skilled waterbenders. To use, punch a source of water then hold shift at a target until they drown/do inital damage. You can be
disrupted if you are hit, and the enemy will be no longer caught in your WaterLock. They
can also escape if they are hit.
Here's a picture of Ming-Hua using WaterLock
In episode 9, Ming-Hua trapped Bolin in a water sphere, that personally reminded
me of a move Juvia Lockser used (she's from fairytail for those who don't know xD)
so I am basing the move name off of the move she used, WaterLock.
Just like suffocation, hold shift at a enemy and they will be trapped in water sphere.
The move could do inital damage, or drown damage.
So, I'm thinking if you type /b h WaterLock this is what it'd say:
This ability is used by only skilled waterbenders. To use, punch a source of water then hold shift at a target until they drown/do inital damage. You can be
disrupted if you are hit, and the enemy will be no longer caught in your WaterLock. They
can also escape if they are hit.
Here's a picture of Ming-Hua using WaterLock

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