Verified Member
I have a better idea/solution how my remote sourcing could work - made as an item block:
Here's how the details of it
If you have any questions or feedback (including critisim), please say it out loud. 
Here's how the details of it

- So let's say you are a builder of the bending arena or smth alike. You want waterbenders to have that a thing that would allow them to waterbender without wasting a half/quarter of second looking at the source and clicking at it. Well, this is the must item for you. By placing this in arena, the radius of [adjusted in config the number] blocks from it a waterbenders stands in, this block will become as a source for the waterbender by itself, without waterbender clicking on it. If there are multiple of this blocks, in a reachable radius to excute this function, one of them all will be chosen by random, and after using it up, another will be chosen.
- Note: It will still require to do the shift-leftclick and visa versa thing to properly do the move. Except you no need to look at the water (i.e. watermanipulation - shift on air to select this block, and left click to launch the attack).
- In the picture you see this blocks crafting recipe, but you must know that the player won't be limited crafting by this recipe the other different variation of the items. "Different items? So there will be more items for this mechanic?!". Yes there are. The different recipes have pretty much the same layout with the enderpearl being in the center, while around it one type of source blocks are surrounded. The copies of a block that surround the enderpearl in the crafting grid will make this item the data of that corresponding block (i.e. making this item of a snow id, you must add in the same manner shown in the picture, with the exception of replacing ice blocks into snow ones).
- It will be possible to craft the stationary water with this, by adding watersbuckets in the ring pattern.
- This item can only be crafted by ops.
- The Title of this item will be the same of the id it is using, with the extention added " (special)" (i.e. "cactus (special)").
- If you want to specifie which of this block you wanna intent to use, or whatever reason you wanna leftclick/shift. This will allow you to excute an ability with that desired block.
- This item will changed the surge behaviour when using the block, so that the "shooting yourself and shooting someone else" problem won't be much of a deal or can get around it. Here what I suggest for the coders to decide on which of one those two choices is suitable:
- Either make Finn's suggestion for Surge accomplished, or atleast to this item
- ...Or, simply. make it disabled unless the user identifies the source.
RangeSelection: 15
Craftable: OPS
VariationOfTheBlock: ice, water, snow, [and all the plants listed here]
RangeSelection - how close the user must be for this mechanic to take place.
Craftable - wo can craft (this option would probably be change into "default: false").
VariationOfTheBlock - self explanatory.
Craftable - wo can craft (this option would probably be change into "default: false").
VariationOfTheBlock - self explanatory.
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