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Denied MeteorBending

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Verified Member
What's so wrong with meteorites? I want this spell on my server so I leave a suggestion so maybe someone can make it for me?


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Plugin Developer
Verified Member
What's so wrong with meteorites? I want this spell on my server so I leave a suggestion so maybe someone can make it for me?
Stop calling it spells.
You obviously don't know what the story behind bending is. Bending is not magic. I'll try to explain it to you.
Benders can bend their element with chi. Chi is something that flows through your body (not like blood). When it doesn't flow, you are not able to bend. Now this is why meteorbending doesn't make sense:

1. An earthbender doesn't randomly summon earth to shoot, they manipulate existing earth. They can't randomly summon a comet.

2. Due to fact 1, they would have to get one from outer space, which is simply out of range.

3. If they WOULD be able to get one from outer space, it would take quite some time to get it down to earth.

4. It's simply to big and too heavy for an earthbender to hold.

The best alternative I can give you is to use earthsmash.


Verified Member
[QUOTE/]Stop calling it spells.
You obviously don't know what the story behind bending is. Bending is not magic. I'll try to explain it to you.[/QUOTE]

You don't need to explain anything! I know bending isn't magic, but I am not english so I'm sorry if I used the wrong term.

Spells/abilities were always the same things for me and it will take me a while to get used to it.

Thank you for your concerns...
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Verified Member
I don't see this working. This would probably end up looking messy and the overall idea is a little bit out there.
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