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Element: Earth
Sub-class: Metal
Ability name: MetalArmor

Metal as of now is a very sad sub-class, there is really nothing to it. So I have though of this multi ability move that might save all of us metal benders.

So for this ability to work you have to have an iron chestplate on.


What this will do is create two iron trapdoors in front of you blocking smaller moves like earthblast, watermanipulation, fireshots, fireblast, airpunch and can even block airswipe. To perform shift, and move your cursor around and it will be infront of you always while holding shift.

This is how the shield will be in every direction. (Ignore the levers.)


2016-07-15_22.39.01.png 2016-07-15_21.53.58.png 2016-07-15_22.00.41.png 2016-07-15_22.02.58.png

This will create a sharp metal disc that the player shoots out infront of them. To perform hold shift and then click at your target, and the disc will be shot out of your armor and deals 1.5 hearts each disc. (After you shift and click the move is activated and you do not need to keep holding shift.) This has a range of 15 blocks, and can be redirected with the same mechanics of torrent. The cooldown will be the same concept of a move like airpunch, you can shoot two of these with a 1 second cooldown inbetween them, and once you have shot both the move will be on a 4 second cooldown. If you do not shoot the second disc in 5 seconds after shooting the first one the disc will disappear and the ability will go on its 4 second cooldown.

GIF: https://gyazo.com/15bfc7a51c546d2192aedb7bfc0c98c4

How this ability will look/work is after you shift and click there will be a .5 second delay for the trap doors going in the flat launch position, and then the disc will be shot. When you shoot the first disc one layer of the once shield will go away and you will be left with the one trap door which you can shoot 1 second after the first disc was launched. You do not have to shift after you have clicked.

What this will allow the metal bender to do is control the armor on them. Meaning they can jump high up in the air without earth beneath them. To use click in the direction you want to go (any), and you will be launched 5 blocks in that direction. The move has a cooldown of 5 seconds. This move cannot be used in mid air but if you are falling and you click it does start to slow down your fall and at 3 seconds you will be completely stopped (only lasts for .5 seconds). This has the potential to negate all fall damage if you are about to fall on a non-bendable surface, and you time it right.

This is playing off of the move metalclips because you can control people, why not control yourself?


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Verified Member
This is great I agree that metal is in need of some help maybe we could have metal pressure plates for the discs or find a way to work the layers of snow mechanic so you could shoot a layer and be left with less and less


Verified Member
Can someone rename the title to Metalarmor? Please i have a thread with the exact same name but it isn't the same thing.
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Verified Member
This is great I agree that metal is in need of some help maybe we could have metal pressure plates for the discs or find a way to work the layers of snow mechanic so you could shoot a layer and be left with less and less
Trust me @NickC1211 I thought of doing that but it had to be like this because of it transforming from shield to shoot it flows really nicely how i have it now. And having the trap doors makes it flow nicer when it is being redirected up and down.


Verified Member
Why does everything needs to have a sub-ability waterarm-ish clones? Argh..

This limits the metalbenders from using the same ability without this armor set.

Jump should be a passive ability.


Verified Member
This limits the metalbenders from using the same ability without this armor set.
I don't understand what you mean.

But if your saying that this limits metal benders because it's an iron chestplate? I don't agree. Because when metal bending moves come out a lot of them will either need an iron chestplate or you can use an iron chestplate.

This isn't "limiting" anything. It is actually making it to where earth benders can go to "non-earth" places and still be able to bend and defend themselves.
Why does everything needs to have a sub-ability waterarm-ish clones? Argh..
This isn't even close to waterarms I'm just saying there is more than one ability in this move.

And it isn't a sub-ability because the shield and shoot action flow together like they are one move..... The only thing that doesn't "fit" is the jumping part but I made this move based off of the idea of using armor for defense, offense, and mobility. And I think this move nails all three.
Jump should be a passive ability.
No I think that would be to OP it baisically lets earthbenders be air all the time.... No thanks. And it might interfere with a lot of moves.
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Verified Member
D: Oh no that gif explains everything..... Great I'll work on it tomorrow. But may be its because your on a phone? Try it on a computer and see.


Verified Member

A)But if your saying that this limits metal benders because it's an iron chestplate? I don't agree. Because when metal bending moves come out a lot of them will either need an iron chestplate or you can use an iron chestplate.
1)I'm saying that it limits the metalbender from using these metal abilities without the armor. I would like to use that shield thing from a metal block and the disc rather from the iron armor alone. Hence why this should be an multiabilityAPI ability.

(Adding to that, metalbending lacks of any abilities like you said. This ability would skip a few of them)

2)This isn't "limiting" anything. It is actually making it to where earth benders can go to "non-earth" places and still be able to bend and defend themselves.
B)It is limited, like I said above

3)This isn't even close to waterarms I'm just saying there is more than one ability in this move.
C)It's close as in they both have MultiAbility API

4)And it isn't a sub-ability because the shield and shoot action flow together like they are one move..... The only thing that doesn't "fit" is the jumping part but I made this move based off of the idea of using armor for defense, offense, and mobility. And I think this move nails all three.
D)Sub-abilities - no, I meant to say MultiAbilityAPI*. Pardon for my typing mistake.

5)No I think that would be to OP it baisically lets earthbenders be air all the time.... No thanks. And it might interfere with a lot of moves.
E)Suite yourself. Remember Suyin? She become mobile the whole time while she was wearing. Of course this won't make an earthbender mobile like airbender AF. The Status effect of jump boost will have a lower level than of an airbender


Verified Member
Ok you could just add something on like saying "why not making it to where you can use the shield or disc with a source" ;-; I might add it if I want too.

And I don't know what a multiabilityapi is.... Please tell me


Verified Member
If you played with waterarms, you'll understand what I'm talking about. MultiAbilityAPI is a thing that changes the binds in a exclusive one's through an ability. Pretty much what happens when you activate WaterArms.


Verified Member
Ohhhh ya I always didn't really care for that because it's kind of hard to switch back, and I just wanted this move to be simple.... And I can easily find a way to make it where you can use a source for this ability.

Click at a metal bending source and everything is the same from there... ;-;


Verified Member
Oh and what do you think of the mechanic of the disc bouncing off the walls like in that game Sue's kids played. The metal bending game.
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