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Denied Mastery Levels

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New Member
Before I explain this I want to express that this would be optional, and is aimed towards the RPG servers. I think there should be different levels of mastery. What I mean by this is for people who are new to the server, they select their element, and they start out with only the basic moves (fire blast, air blast, etc) and the more missions they complete, or the more kills they earn in pvp, they move up levels and unlock new abilities. Once you become a master, you get a prefix that says "(element) Master". Then the masters will get the abilities like Combustion, lava bending, etc. I understand this would be really inconvenient for pvp and faction servers, which is why it's intended more for the RPG servers.


Verified Member
you do not need it to be added to the plugin you can do it yourself using groupmanager and autorank


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
This seems more like a suggestion for the ProjectKorra RPG plugin than for the Core.


Verified Member
Before I explain this I want to express that this would be optional, and is aimed towards the RPG servers. I think there should be different levels of mastery. What I mean by this is for people who are new to the server, they select their element, and they start out with only the basic moves (fire blast, air blast, etc) and the more missions they complete, or the more kills they earn in pvp, they move up levels and unlock new abilities. Once you become a master, you get a prefix that says "(element) Master". Then the masters will get the abilities like Combustion, lava bending, etc. I understand this would be really inconvenient for pvp and faction servers, which is why it's intended more for the RPG servers.
Someone already posted something like this. http://projectkorra.com/threads/leveling-system-for-benders.317/


Staff member
To go off of what kadika said -- this can be done with any permissions plugin and AutoRank. At the bare minimum, once we open suggestions for our RPG plugin this suggestion may be allowed (depends on how much info we release there). However, such a feature will NOT be added to ProjectKorra (Core)
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