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Lightning Charge Levels

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Verified Member
I've thought of a few tweaks to be made to lightning. In the both series, it's been shown/implied that the longer you charge up lightning, the more powerful it is (the individual power of the bender comes into play too, such as Ozai creating an extremely powerful bolt in under a second).
A good example of this is Mako, who rarely charged his lightning at all, but as a drawback it wasn't very lethal. Azula was the opposite - she usually charged for several seconds instead, producing a 1-hit kill lightning bolt that could shatter rocks on impact. So I propose that a few 'charge levels' should be given to lightning in the plugin to represent this:

  • No charge / tap shift - a weak, short ranged bolt of lightning, deals 1.5 hearts - cannot chain between targets, but has a chance to paralyze (should have a decent cooldown to prevent spamming).
  • 3.5 second charge - small amount of smoke appears when ready - medium range, deals 2.5 hearts - has a chance to chain between targets or paralyze (I believe these are the current stats of lightning)
  • 5 second charge - large cloud of smoke when ready - long range, 4 hearts damage, creates an explosion on impact with most blocks that can deal extra damage - has a high chance to chain or paralyze.

Edited to reflect to new lightning as of 1/12/15
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Verified Member
I like this, but for the 5 second charge up, maybe blue firework particles would appear instead of white smoke. In the picture below, Azula is charging her deadly lightning and it appears blue.



Verified Member
I would like this so that I could use lightning to a bit more use. Although it seems a little odd, 5 seconds of charge time for 5 hearts while earthblast does 3 hearts.


Verified Member
Instead of making a new thread, I revived this with some edits to reflect the new lightning. Tell me what you think.
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