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Denied IceBlind

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I know that is a terrible name, but stick with me here.
Element: Ice
Combo: It is a combo, consisting of holding shift on ice for three seconds with iceblast, then cllcking in the air with icespike. This would have the same range as iceblast.
Use: This move would do the normal damage of iceblast, but would also blind the person it hits for 3 seconds, plenty of time to watermanipulation spam them.
Look: This would look like a whole bunch of close together particles, like the ones in icebullet.
Source: Bear with me here, the idea I got it from was in this gif, you ready for the shocker?
I found that while looking through google images at waterbending ice, but seems somewhat realistic, right?
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I didn't get it, why does it blind people? It is Ice, not snow, so it isn't properly going to land on your foe's eyes.
There isn't a ice sub element, and snow is ice, btw. "Snow is precipitation in the form of ice crystals" That is what comes up first and foremost in a google search for: Is snow ice. http://nsidc.org/cryosphere/snow/index.html That is the webpage attached. It would basically be Many Many Many small ice crystals going at someone at a time, so basically snow, effectively "blinding" someone in a snow storm. It has a short range, and it would simply be better suited towards using a iceblast or two.

Taiko the Waterbender

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Non-canon as well, I don't know if you know this, but Elsa is from Frozen


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I the slowness given from a normal IceSpike is already better for spamming WaterManipulation. Blindness would just let the victim run away at normal speed.


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Denied, There is no place for elements to be able to blind others, Why do you think metalclips doesn't blind? I do not see this fitting into PK-Core.
Chi is at a disadvantage and I believe that is why they were given that effect.
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