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EarthTunnel Alt.

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Verified Member
This NEEDS to be implemented! The only Official mobility move that Earth has is EarthSmash. We need another one! However, there are some issues that could come up. As @Hero asked, what happens if they are right above a cave? Also, you're not going to be able to travel very far. You can only click like, 6 blocks in front of you. So most likely, you'll just put yourself directly in front of your opponent. Perhaps it could be controlled? Here's my idea: Right Click for the hole to open up. Then, once in the hole, hold down shift to start moving. You can go in any direction you want, for a maximum duration of 5 seconds. (Basically AirScooter but underground) After those 5 seconds, you would immediately burst out of the ground. If you release shift at any time while you're underground, you'd also burst from the ground. There should also be a feature that if the block two blocks over (meaning the block right behind the one right in front of your face) is not earth (like water, lava, etc.) then the move stops and you burst from the ground, whether it has been five seconds or not, or whether you'd released shift. If you are right above a cave when you go to do the move, then the move simply wouldn't work. Maybe a sound like the sound in Extraction could be used in this case to alert you that the move is impossible to perform. Also, I think 20 seconds for a cooldown is a little extreme. I'd say 5-10 seconds would be enough. Those are my thoughts! Let me know what you think!
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