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Changing bloodbending

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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Well, we all think bloodbending is way to op.(almost everyone ;c)

That's why I thought about some changes. Here's what I came up with:

1. Throwing:
In the series, we never saw a blood bending throwing someone from out of nowhere. They always "swept" them away. That's what I suggest. When you shift, you can control someone. By clicking, you can move some for X seconds. When clicking and making a sweeping motion with your mouse (like airsweep) you can "sweep" them away.

2. Bending:
This is quite simple, when you click with a simple ability (blaze, icespike(blast), airblast, earthblast, rapidpunch) there is a chance of X% of performing that ability successfully. By default, it would be quite low.

3. Duration:
I don't think this is already in the config, but after X seconds, you won't be able to blood bend anymore and a coold0wn will start.

That's it! Tnx for reading :D

- Finn


Verified Member
I feel like the sweeping motion one might weird out (though I'm hoping it won't). They all make sense though and since they're configurable it would work for all servers.


Verified Member
I'm just going to add that the chance of bending able to bend is something that makes sense and would make bloodbending more balance - it feels like a MUST. If that feature were to be added it would really allow a stable expansion of the sub-element bending technique, and I really want that for everything to be efficient.
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