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BendingGUI 1.6.2


Verified Member
StrangeOne101 submitted a new resource:

BendingGUI - A custom interface that allows you to manage your bending with ease

Read more about this resource...
Thanks for the quick support. Just tried the new version of GUI, for me though the avatar prefix is still popping up. I wonder if it's a problem my end.

Also i've just been messing around with it and when either spirit is picked, the gui doesnt seem to recognize it and gives avatar moves to bind instead
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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Thanks for the quick support. Just tried the new version of GUI, for me though the avatar prefix is still popping up. I wonder if it's a problem my end.

Also i've just been messing around with it and when either spirit is picked, the gui doesnt seem to recognize it and gives avatar moves to bind instead
The update to BendingGUI won't fix it. It requires an update to Spirits. But I'm working on said update, and this update for BendingGUI just adds support for the beta version of that

I can send you the beta of the Spirits update if you want to test it?


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
StrangeOne101 updated BendingGUI with a new update entry:

Minor Config Update

Added the following config options
    FirstJoin: true        # Whether to give a compass when a new player first joins the server
    ChangeWorld: false     # Whether to give a compass when a player changes world (except for disabled worlds)
  HideNonUsableElements: false        # If elements a player can't choose should be hidden from the choose menu
  ShowChoosePromptOnFirstJoin: false  # If new players should be prompted to choose an element...
Read the rest of this update entry...


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
StrangeOne101 updated BendingGUI with a new update entry:

Config changes and fixes

- Added `CloseMenuOnChoose` config option. Decides whether the menu should close when a player chooses their bending
- Fixed the menu always displaying on login when `ShowChoosePromptOnFirstJoin` is true, even for players who have already chosen an element
- Fixed the help tool not showing ability usage
- Changed the way the help tool displays the help in chat. It is now closer to what vanilla PK has
Read the rest of this update entry...