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A way to implement Astral Projection

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Verified Member
Possibly use it for communicating? Ollivander's (the harry potter plugin) made something like that so when u spam cast it only shows for people within 40 blocks. So this could be some way to communicate in private. Also if u meditate near someone for a certain amount of time you'll form a "connection" with them, so when u do it when they're not near you, you could right right click a compass (it'll give u 1) and teleport ur astral body to the person.


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But then it becomes too OP. Its basically the hack from nodus that lets you go out of body.


Verified Member
Well that hack doesn't let you even do anything but scout around. I've always thought of that thing as more of a tool, even though it's nodus. They're literally adding a boosted version of that in 1.8 so


Verified Member
To be honest, I think this move would actually add some nice features for Airbenders. Airbending is mainly a defensive/passive bending so I like the fact that people are not trying to come up with new ways to damage opponents but gain intelligence to their opponents surroundings. The idea of this new Airbending Sub-Element is really unique. Just as Hama was the only Bloodbender until she taught Katara in The Last Airbender series, Jinora is the only Airbender able to perform this ability (that we know about). Like all the other Sub-Elements being added into Project Korra, they are made to be OP. Bloodbending allows a player to control a victim's body for however long they desire and combustion can obliterate areas based on how much power is enabled in the config. I think it is only fair that every element has some type of OP move and if server owners do not want to acquire these new abilities, no one can force them. Everything can be updated, changed, reconfigured, ect., but it is up to the server owners to make these types of decisions for their servers and I really think ProjectKorra should make this an available decision for them to make. A player can use passive bendings in protected areas and also enemy territory in factions so there is no reason this ability can not be used in those locations in my opinion. You can not inflict damage upon other players while using this ability and you can not use it to grief/edit terrain. With that being said, I think there should be a radius on how far away a user is allowed to go from their physical body, maybe even make this radius configurable for server owners? Like I have stated before, all the elements are now acquiring some type of sub-element and this idea is NOT a bad one. I would really like to see this ability get added! Kudos to HadesDude.
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