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A way to implement Astral Projection

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I believe that was for the sake of the show, not that she didn't have to do it.
The thing is, she just went to Kai, she didn't have to walk there (being she didn't know where he really was).. It was due to the connection she could project herself there..


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I think we need to walk back but maby have a compass pointing to our bodies. I just really want this added it will be cool to make it look like I'm meditating.


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Correct me if I'm wrong but spectator mode makes you completely transparent, rather than slightly visible/translucent, being translucent would make a better affect for astral projection in my opinion.


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I like the idea, but using AstralProjection for finding resources or underground dungeons and such is actually one of the main uses of the ability, I'd think.


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It makes your head transparent to others in the mode so it really depends entirely on how bukkit handles it.


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If someone used Astral Projection below seafloor level would that mean that they would automatically get kicked out of Astral Projection?


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Correct me if I'm wrong but spectator mode makes you completely transparent, rather than slightly visible/translucent, being translucent would make a better affect for astral projection in my opinion.
Spectator mode does make the player completely invisible, which is unfortunate but it also gives the player the no-clip ability that we see in the show. I'm not really sure if it would be possible to make the player that is projecting only slightly transparent using the "team" things. @MistPhizzle would you mind testing that out whenever it's possible with Bukkit?

I like the idea, but using AstralProjection for finding resources or underground dungeons and such is actually one of the main uses of the ability, I'd think.
This is the reason I wouldn't want people to be able to Astral Project into dungeons and stuff. It really would not be fair to other people on SMP. Every server I have ever been on has banned the use of things like x-ray for a reason, so I doubt many server owners would want airbenders to be able to go down into the ground and search for diamonds/loot. Maybe to appease people have a config option for the Y coordinate that players are allowed to go down to?

If someone used Astral Projection below seafloor level would that mean that they would automatically get kicked out of Astral Projection?
That, or prevented from going any further.


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This is the reason I wouldn't want people to be able to Astral Project into dungeons and stuff. It really would not be fair to other people on SMP. Every server I have ever been on has banned the use of things like x-ray for a reason, so I doubt many server owners would want airbenders to be able to go down into the ground and search for diamonds/loot. Maybe to appease people have a config option for the Y coordinate that players are allowed to go down to?
You could always just deny them access to Astral Projection if you don't want them using it for its main use....


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You could always just deny them access to Astral Projection if you don't want them using it for its main use....
Astral projection doesn't even have a "main use". Just because Jinora used it to go underground twice doesn't mean it's intended to search for dungeons.


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It wouldn't serve any other purpose since you can't bend in places you can't build (i.e. other faction land)


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I can think of several ways to use it.
Scoping out an area to look for biomes, exploring an enemy's base to develop an attack strategy, seeing who's attacking your base without the dangers of being spotted or killed..


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You can't bend in their land, so astral projection wouldn't work for that
Astral Projection would be like airspout/waterspout/other moves that don't damage the environment so they can be used anywhere. Plus if you have factions blocking bending enabled, there's no point in having a bending server at all.
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