Hello everyone, school has started back up so development has slowed down just a bit, but no worries, we're still hard at work!
- General Changes
- Some files were cleaned up to prevent potential memory leaks.
- Some files were changed to correct JavaDocs. (We will be releasing JavaDocs when 1.6.0 is released)
- Fixed NPE on reloads (as a result of the eclipse)
- This might also fix the Tremorsense bug where all players were granted Tremorsense, if someone can confirm this for me that would be great!
- Firebending Changes
- Lightning Changes
- The lightning bolt is now a light cyan color.
- The Particle Changes we've made in the last couple of beta builds have allowed us to do this. We can now change the color of redstone dust on the fly.
- The lightning bolt is now a light cyan color.
- Lightning Changes