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1.6.0 BETA 13


Staff member
Hello everyone, it has been a while, I've been extremely busy. Expect a full weekly update to come at the end of this week (2/7/15 probably). Anyway, Coolade worked on some stuff for you all:

  • General Changes
    • WorldGuard Fix - A backward conditional was causing problems with Lightning, Combustion, FireBlast, and Blaze in the isRegionProtectedFromBuild Method.
    • Methods isRegionProtectedByBuild BlockCache now considers the ability name
      • A problem was occurring with the BlockCache due to the fact that passive abilities are always allowed to be used. The Cache now checks and saves the name of the ability that was sent to the isRegionProtectedByBuild Method. (Fixes Lightning Issue, read further)
    • Made the canFly method less sensitive.
    • Combos now check elements correctly. Players were able to use combos if they had the correct abilities bound, even if they didn't have the correct element.
  • Airbending Changes
    • Suffocation Changes
      • *Note* - Delete the old Suffocate entry from your config.yml.
      • Suffocate has been replaced by the addon version: Suffocate 2.
      • The main difference between the two versions is that the new Suffocate applies a configurable Blind and Slow Potion Effect as well as the normal damage.
    • Flight Changes
      • Flight now properly lets players hover by left clicking.
  • Earthbending Changes
    • Extraction: Fixed Dupe bug where players were able to dupe ore using Extraction, RaiseEarth, and Collapse.
    • EarthSmash - Added a world location check to fix a distance calculation error.
  • Firebending Changes
    • Fixed a bug that caused Lightning to hit the bender. Passive abilities were telling the cache to allow the player to bend in that specific area, which allowed the Lightning to be charged. Once the Lightning was released then the cache denied the next location, causing the ability to be removed, resulting in damage to the player.
  • Chiblocking Changes
    • Increased Efficiency: There was a major issue in the ChiblockingManager that caused each ability to be processed at an exponential rate rather than linearly. Basically we had loops nesting inside of loops when they shouldn't have been.


God Tier Member
Verified Member
Yay. Suffocate 2 is so good. I made a review of it back when it was community if anyone wants to know how to use it!


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Has the permission node for suffocate changed to match suffocate2 or no?