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1.5.0 BETA 3


Staff member
A relatively small release that contains a few bug fixes. Enjoy ^^.

  • General Changes
    • Preset Changes
      • Presets now properly unload when a player signs out. They should not keep loading on top of each other when a player relogs. See this thread.
  • Waterbending Changes
    • IceBlast Changes
      • IceBlast will no longer use temporary ice created by other abilities (Such as Surge)
  • Firebending Changes
    • Lightning Changes
      • Fixed a bug where Lightning would not properly spread in Water.


Verified Member
So it is a damage buff?
Not quite, but you're on the right track. When you use lightning, the radius of damage is small. About 2 blocks, give or take. When you use it in water, you can damage more entities because it expands the radius of the range, making the attack use more area space. An Area of Effect, essentially.


Verified Member
Not quite, but you're on the right track. When you use lightning, the radius of damage is small. About 2 blocks, give or take. When you use it in water, you can damage more entities because it expands the radius of the range, making the attack use more area space.
That is the least op buff there has been.


New Member
Sorry I made a mistake in the coding, BETA2/BETA3 are both not working cause I missed 1 line of code :/ I already informed mist and made a fix for it, but for now BETA2/BETA3 are not working (at least for the custom abilities)
*slow claps* well done rune. xD jk jk cant get it right every time :3