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1.5.0 BETA 3


Verified Member
I really don't like how ice blast doesn't work with surge and torrent. When it did work with the ice someone created it was very useful. Now I don't see a use for a move that I once loved. It seems water benders aren't getting much out of the plugin unlike earth and fire. I enjoy water wave but ice blast was useful in battle and now I don't see a use


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I really don't like how ice blast doesn't work with surge and torrent. When it did work with the ice someone created it was very useful. Now I don't see a use for a move that I once loved. It seems water benders aren't getting much out of the plugin unlike earth and fire. I enjoy water wave but ice blast was useful in battle and now I don't see a use
Firstly, just use Phase Change to make Ice. Secondly, the Ice Blast using surge ice was a bug, it would allow you to trap someone and just use Ice Blast on them to kill them very quickly, and in the case of earth, air, and chi, not allow anywhere near long enough time to escape.