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1.5.0 BETA 19


Staff member
We are gearing up for our 1.5.0 full release within the next week or two. Feature wise we are darn near complete as far as we are concerned for this build. This is easily one of the larger builds we've done, it is much larger than we originally anticipated it to be.

This is a pretty large Dev Build, lots of changes.
  • General Changes
    • Added EnderLance (Carbogen) to the /pk who command.
  • Airbending Changes
    • AirSwipe Changes
      • New Config Options:
        • MaxChargeTime: Specifies how long it takes for Charged AirSwipe to reach Maximum damage. Chared AirSwipe's maximum damage is specificed by ChargeFactor.
    • AirBurst Changes
      • New Config Options
        • Damage: The damage dealt to each entity (default: 0)
    • AirSpout Changes
      • Fixed a bug where player logging out in AirSpout would be stuck in fly mode.
  • Waterbending Changes
    • Fixed an issue where IceWave was causing random fall damage to the player.
    • OctopusForm Changes:
      • Config Option - Knockback: The amount of force an entity will receive by being punched from an OctopusForm.
      • Fixed a problem where the FormDelay config option was not working correctly.
    • HealingWaters Changes
      • New Config Option: Power: The Potency of the healing effect applied to an entity.
    • Surge Wave Changes
      • New Config Option: Range - Maximum Range of the Wave
    • Surge Wall Changes
      • Fixed a bug where Surge wall was not cleaning up all of the water if Paralyzed or Bloodbent.
    • Torrent Wave Changes
      • New Config Option - Radius: Maximum range of the Wave.
      • New Config Option - Knockback: Force applied to each entity.
      • New Config Option - Height: Maximum height of the wave.
    • IceSpike (Projectile) Changes
      • New Config Option - Damage: The damage dealt to each entity.
      • New Config Option - Range: Maximum range the IceSpike will travel.
    • WaterSpout Changes
      • Fixed bug where player logging out in WaterSpout would be stuck in fly mode.
  • Earthbending Changes
    • LavaFlow Changes:
      • LavaFlow (click) was not obeying ClickLavaCleanupDelay and ClickLandCleanupDelay config options.
    • Shockwave Changes:
      • New Config Option - Damage: Damage applied to each entity.
      • New Config Option - Knockback: Force applied to each entity.
      • New Config Option - Range: Maximum range shockwave will travel.
    • NEW ABILITY: MetalClips
      • MetalClips is an ability for Metalbenders with Iron Ingots in their inventory. To use, a metalbender must click towards an entity of any kind. If the entity is a Zombie, Skeleton, or Player, the iron Ingot thrown will wrap itself around the target as armor. This can be repeated up to 4 times, each time increasing effectiveness of the ability.
        • 1 MetalClip: A metalbender may attract their enemy towards them like a magnet.
        • 2 MetalClips: A metalbender may slowly attract their enemy towards whatever they are looking at, including the sky.
        • 3 MetalClips: The speed is increased. The metalbender now has full control over the movements of the enemy.
        • 4 MetalClips: The enemy gets crushed by the pressure exerted on the clips. Causes configurable damage to the enemy and may kill them. (If it does, pieces of armor may drop, this is to be fixed)
      • Metalbender may control the entity for up to 10 seconds.
      • If the target is missed the ingot will be thrown on the ground.
      • If the hit entity is not a zombie, skeleton, or a player, the entity will take damage and the ingot iwll drop. When the usage time ends, the entity will drop and the iron will too, so it can be recollected.
      • A metalbender can sneak while not targeting an entity to attract all nearby iron ingots toward themselves.
      • MetalClips can be used to help fellow players across chasms, move them out of danger, or hut them badly.
  • Firebending Changes
    • FireBlast (Charged) Changes
      • New Config Option - ChargeTime: Amount of milliseconds it takes to charge a fireblast.
      • New Config Option - Damage: Damage applied to entity when hit by charged fireblast. (Not the damage dealt by the explosion, the size and damage of the explosion is determined by power)
      • New Config Option - DamageRadius: Radius will detect if entities are within range of fire particles to receive damage.
      • New Config Option - Power: The size and damage caused by the explosion (4 = TNT)
      • New Config Option - Range: Range the charged FireBlast will travel.
    • FireBurst Changes
      • New Config Option - Range: The range of each FireBlast in the FireBurst
    • Lightning Changes
      • New Config Option - Damage: Damage dealt to each entity.
    • Illumination Changes
      • Fixed duplication glitch where torches would spawn if player was standing on Glowstone.


Verified Member
But when i use metalclips on zombies or skeletons , the armor stays for like a split second then falls


Verified Member
I tried amtalclips and it works great :) could you might add so it works with gold aswell (or make a config for it) and that it also works if a player already have iron/gold armor on them self? (THIS needs a config XD) as always great job guys ^^


Verified Member
MetalClips has a bug, When a player is equipped with armor and then dies, he/she drops the armor and the ingots, basically returning all 4 ingots and armor..


Staff member
I had very little to do with this Dev Build actually. The new config options and bug fixes goes almost entirely to @Coolade and MetalClips is almost entirely @Carbogen!


Verified Member
MetalClips has a bug, When a player is equipped with armor and then dies, he/she drops the armor and the ingots, basically returning all 4 ingots and armor..
This was stated in the post in parenthesis and will be resolved hopefully soon.



Verified Member
Oh WOW, this is amazing......!!
Would you make it so you can throw it from your armour if you wear some?
Like Kuvira did in first episode of Book IV