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Search results

  1. Carbogen

    [TUTORIAL] Basic Block-Manipulation (By Carbogen)

    So I got a few requests on Skype to teach Block Manipulation... I'm in no way a good teacher, especially through conversation. So I decided to make a sort of "guide" to making them, and with that I created a Java Project in which I created a very simple ability. This ability has nothing to do...
  2. Carbogen

    [Part of JedCore] EarthShard [Deleted]

    Carbogen submitted a new resource: EarthShard - A reworked, more "physics-accurate" version of EarthBlast. Read more about this resource...
  3. Carbogen

    Eruption [Deleted]

    Carbogen submitted a new resource: Eruption - An offensive ability for LavaBenders. Read more about this resource...
  4. Carbogen

    Updating Resources (BROKEN)

    Hello, So over the past two days I've been furiously coding to try and fix this error people were reporting on my resource thread. Just out of curiosity I logged out of my account and went to my resource page as a guest. I clicked "Version History" to find that the only version that was...
  5. Carbogen

    Updating an uploaded resource.

    Hey all, I'm writing here because of an issue I have encountered. Yesterday, I uploaded an add-on for ProjectKorra. It didn't take long for me to notice I forgot to add the Description for '/bending help <ability>' so I had to upload the file again. I took this opportunity to make a few extra...
  6. Carbogen

    [Part of JedCore] LavaFlux [Deleted]

    Carbogen submitted a new resource: LavaSlap - An offensive ability for LavaBenders (inspired by LoK B4E05) Read more about this resource...