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Search results

  1. xNuminousx


    xNuminousx submitted a new resource: ElementalEffects - A pack of cosmetic effects for the elements Read more about this resource...
  2. xNuminousx

    Suggestion Instructions ChatColor

    This is an extremely minor issue, but as an add-on developer I find it a nuisance that the color if the getInstructions() or more specifically the "Usage:" part of it cannot be changed. I suggest that the color of the Usage be linked to the color of the branding in the language file...
  3. xNuminousx


    xNuminousx submitted a new resource: Spirits - Allow your players to be Spirits Read more about this resource...
  4. xNuminousx

    Spirits: Teaser

    Surprise! For the past few days I have been working on a project that will add Spirits to your server! Shortly after I started the project, a fellow ProjectKorra user joined me in the development and has been a real big help; @EmeraldJelly What does this plugin do? In the beginning, the goal is...
  5. xNuminousx

    Creating a passive "ability"

    I've had the class extend it's proper element as well as implement PassiveAbility yet console tells me that it needs to implement AddonAbility... But I want it as a passive... Am I missing something here? Are there methods missing from the unimplemented methods that don't pop up that I need...
  6. xNuminousx

    2 Interesting YouTube Videos

    I stumbled upon these two videos about the Avatar series and I thought they were very very interesting. What do you think? Link 1 Link 2
  7. xNuminousx

    How did you come out? #Clickbait

    Have you told your friends you play Minecraft and/or took a step further than others (got involved in a community (PK))? I've seen Minecraft being made fun of as a sort of "kids game" online and memes about people being immature if you play it. Because of this, I've seen people physically make...
  8. xNuminousx

    Temp-Block Tutorials?

    Anyone know any good tutorial (whether it's video or text) that can sort of teach the ~ways~ of the temp blocks? I'd like to learn how to mess with them when I get all my electricity up and running again.
  9. xNuminousx

    Server going against EULA? (Community discussion)

    PS: Based on what I've heard. I don't play the server enough to have knowledge of this. So from what I understand donors are able to buy perks for their pets (like pets that can fight for you) which goes against EULA IMO. It specifically says a donation store can only be cosmetic, and selling...
  10. xNuminousx

    Air Bison Barn

    xNuminousx submitted a new resource: Air Bison Barn - A simple barn to store all your rowdy Air Bison friends Read more about this resource...
  11. xNuminousx

    Fire Nation House

    xNuminousx submitted a new resource: Fire Nation House - A decently big house for your Fire Nation city Read more about this resource...
  12. xNuminousx

    Defining the color of an Element?

    How/where would you define what the text color of a new element would be? For example, the text color of Fire is &c and the color of it's sub-abilities is &4. - Asking for a friend.
  13. xNuminousx

    What do you want to see? (Schematics)

    I am making this post to see what some of the people of the community would like to see as far as schematics. I would love to do amazingly huge builds (I really want to make each of the Air Temples....) but I just have a small private server so not sure how World Edit or Voxel would work out...
  14. xNuminousx

    Pending Review Schematic Tags

    When you upload a schematic it just gets listed as the title and that's it. There's no way to filter out what kind of schematic you want. This would work similarly to the addon tags: Waterbending Airbending Firebending Earthbending Chiblocking Etc. But for the schematic tags, I have some ideas...
  15. xNuminousx

    Earth House

    xNuminousx submitted a new resource: Earth House - A small house for your earth kingdom Read more about this resource...
  16. xNuminousx

    Schematic Tutorial (Cabbage Cart)

    xNuminousx submitted a new resource: Cabbage Cart - Learn how to use Schematics! Read more about this resource...
  17. xNuminousx

    Water Tribe Hut

    xNuminousx submitted a new resource: Water Tribe Hut - A small house for your custom water tribe village! Read more about this resource...
  18. xNuminousx

    Vanilla Icecream(s)?!

    Okay serious issue..... When someone goes to the ice cream section of a grocery store they see several different versions of Vanilla Icecream... They like vanilla but if they want it, how do they know which to get? What are the differences in flavor? Which would YOU like better? The different...
  19. xNuminousx

    A Life Lesson

    This subject has come up in the past, about the development team and their hard work. Unlike this picture, we actually do congratulate you for your work. However, the last quote is the point of me posting this. "Always rise above the laughter and criticism. Stay strong." For anyone feeling like...
  20. xNuminousx

    Word Values?

    So how do I make word values configurable? I want to give server developers the option to choose what particle spawns for a certain animation, but I can only recall how to set numerical values such as speed or damage. But like if I want them to put FLAME or MAGIC_CRIT in the config. It'd be...