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  1. WaterFan99

    Complete Waterbending Rework - Sourcing and Dynamics

    This needs to be added!
  2. WaterFan99

    Combo: Spout Burst (Water&Air)

    Me gusta
  3. WaterFan99

    All hail the great uniter! >:)

    All hail the great uniter! >:)
  4. WaterFan99

    Denied MeteorBending

    Ok, what the actual..... What the hell is this suggestion? pulling meteorites from space..... you gotta be kidding me.
  5. WaterFan99


    But i do like how its related to fireblast lol
  6. WaterFan99


    is this promoting more watercamers? O_o
  7. WaterFan99

    [Changelog] WaterArms [Alpha]

    Waterarms will be one of my favorite moves because of how pretty it is, and how it acts like a portable source. Imagine if i'm fighting an earthbender with waterarms and he earthgrabs me, i can easy grapple out and attack on land. This will help water be more competitive on land :D I love xoxoxo
  8. WaterFan99

    [Changelog] WaterArms [Alpha]

    This info helps :D
  9. WaterFan99

    How to install abilities

    Which are?
  10. WaterFan99

    How to install abilities

    What other moves are you trying to use?
  11. WaterFan99

    How to install abilities

    Earthsink is an earthcombo, try typing ./b h earthcombo. But if its not there you will need the Custom combo API
  12. WaterFan99

    How to install abilities

    Which move are you trying to put in? and which version of bukkit and pk are you using?
  13. WaterFan99

    How to install abilities

    then create a new folder named ''Abilities"
  14. WaterFan99

    [Changelog] WaterArms [Alpha]

    Could you pleeease release a Super early version, Im dieing so hard. I want this ability naoooooo! O-O
  15. WaterFan99

    Water cloak

    I kinda like this suggestion, also i love how it would cover you in water so you can't ignite :P
  16. WaterFan99

    [Changelog] WaterArms [Alpha]

    Me neither, does anyone know the postponed release date? O_O i must know #TrueHardcoreWaterbendingFan
  17. WaterFan99

    Earthblast particles

    Sarcasm? o_o
  18. WaterFan99

    Earthblast particles

    Yea probably, lol forgot about that,
  19. WaterFan99

    Earthblast particles

    Note this is an addon to the thread: ''Waterbending'' By White_knight28 Since he was talking about little bits of water particles after hitting a target with torrent or watermanipulation, I was thinking about doing the same thing to earthblast and earthsmash after it hits an entity it would...
  20. WaterFan99

    Airshield, and its growing uselessness.

    lmao xD