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Search results

  1. WaterFan99


    blaas blaas blaaa! kuvira doesn't approve. Earthkingdom rules watertribe drools
  2. WaterFan99

    Bug Report Is ice blast broken?

    Make me #PcMasterRace
  3. WaterFan99

    Bug Report Is ice blast broken?

    not performance wise
  4. WaterFan99

    Bug Report Is ice blast broken?

    well yea, all it can play is minecraft and csgo. when windows can play almost every game xD
  5. WaterFan99

    Complete Permission for choosing bending

    simple, just be an mlg player and it will work
  6. WaterFan99

    Bug Report Is ice blast broken?

    get mlg fast computers bois
  7. WaterFan99

    Bug Report Is ice blast broken?

    ya, macs suck for gaming
  8. WaterFan99

    Bug Report Is ice blast broken?

    u guys probably have a macbook gaming pc lllololololo
  9. WaterFan99

    Bug Report Is ice blast broken?

    i rek air/other waterbenders with iceblast also
  10. WaterFan99

    Bug Report Is ice blast broken?

    lol but i don't though. lelele and windows 8 sucks. windows 7 is the master generation
  11. WaterFan99

    Bug Report Is ice blast broken?

    I have too good of a pc to be lagged by particles lmao, 2gud4u #MyPcIsMasterRace
  12. WaterFan99

    Denied kewl eerth muve

    great suggestion, i bet mist will aprove and add <<<<<33333
  13. WaterFan99

    [Deleted] AirPocket

    evidence of chiblockers disablig camerurs in action.
  14. WaterFan99

    [Deleted] AirPocket

  15. WaterFan99

    [Deleted] AirPocket

  16. WaterFan99

    [Deleted] AirPocket

    chi haz 3 letters, you know what else has 3 letters. thats right. Dog! Dog, dog spelled backwards is god. so does that mean that chi=god? we need more evidence!, so if chi=god then chiblockers but be ninja puppy dogs in disguise for the Illuminati but if they work for chiblocking master Doritos...
  17. WaterFan99

    [Deleted] AirPocket

  18. WaterFan99

    [Deleted] AirPocket

    shhh, chiblockers are part of the loomanarty they must not be discussed or mist will find out.
  19. WaterFan99

    [Deleted] AirPocket

    who am i gonna save with this move, seriously. other than farm animals xD. only bender i see saving is a waterbender xD