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Search results

  1. WaterFan99

    Denied Make Waterspout wave useable with bottlebending?

  2. WaterFan99

    Wall Of Fire Re-Work!

    Not walloffire :3 :3 :3
  3. WaterFan99

    Heat Control

    since earthbenders bend rock, y can't they bend the air cause they can bend the dirt in the air, earthbenders can airbend!!!!!
  4. WaterFan99

    Heat Control

    Since firebenders bend heat, why can't they bend the heat in the water to move it? they can bend WATer omg
  5. WaterFan99

    Heat Control

    if you guys need me, ill be asking varrick what the word logic means brb
  6. WaterFan99

    Heat Control

    airbenders should earthbend cause they push rocks with air so it makes sense right?
  7. WaterFan99

    Heat Control

    might as well let airbenders earthbend now
  8. WaterFan99

    Heat Control

  9. WaterFan99

    Heat Control

    How does someone come up with ideas like this, dah hell man.
  10. WaterFan99

    Heat Control

    random stuff like this makes my knowledge of science go down by 50% each time i read.
  11. WaterFan99

    Heat Control

    this is dumb.
  12. WaterFan99

    WaterArms [Deleted]

    guys you know, if you go into grapple mode and click the ground you practically dash. and if you spin around in the air it will reduce fall damage since a little sliver of the arms catches you,
  13. WaterFan99

    Airshield, and its growing uselessness.

    guys stop arguing about suggestions. It will eventually get denied or accepted, mist will always has an opinion for these types of situations. :P
  14. WaterFan99

    Five nights at freddy's 2 song by living tombstone

    I got bored so here is the five nights at freddy's 2 song by living stone:
  15. WaterFan99

    Faster Airspout/Waterspout

    Sometimes avatars use airspout *hint hint* xD
  16. WaterFan99

    WaterSpout Changes

    I like somewhat of water, like its redirection and mobility, but i don't favor its spout fights. Earth is my second favorite.
  17. WaterFan99

    WaterSpout Changes

    One reason why i love earthbending, i don't need to deal with the spouting nonsense :P
  18. WaterFan99

    Earth Armor (Metal Version)

    I want this! :) kuvira will be proud
  19. WaterFan99

    Denied ShadowBending
