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Side Plugin BendingGUI 1.6.2

  • Fixed ArrayOutOfBoundsException when using /gui with a player argument
Fixed a bug that prevented BendingGUI working on 1.16
Likes: Sshawarma
Update Features
  • Updated to work with spigot 1.13+ (all the way to 1.16)
  • Added bluefire subelement support for PK 1.9.0 (still works on 1.8.9)
  • Added ProjectAddons bending board support
Thanks for @Fefo6644 for updating this to 1.13. Sorry for lack of support.

But BendingGUI is back! I haven't, however, added basic localization for all ProjectAddon moves or recent addons. If you want to add default descriptions for these moves, flick me a DM.
Fixed NPE, thanks to @PhanaticD
Fixed bending.command.choose permission (mk II) not being checked correctly in some cases
The following bugs have been fixed, thanks to @Simplicitee
  • Fixed BendingPlayer NPE
  • Fixed subelements not being saved
  • Fixed Combos being shown in the ability list and could be bound to a slot
BendingGUI now supports 1.8.7, too.
Likes: 1 person
  • Changed the color of earth move slots to be light green panes instead of green panes
  • Re-implemented the ability to make the gui item enchanted
  • Shift clicking the page arrows will now jump to the last page
  • Fixed binding moves having the wrong color if they were a subelement ability
  • Fixed right clicking not working on air
    • Turns out this was actually a spigot issue. A workaround is in place for now, but it may cause issues. I couldn't see any from testing, though.
Likes: xDizasterCYx
  • Added support for Spigot 1.12 and all new future releases [of spigot]
  • Added support for the BendingBoard plugin
  • Removed support for BendingEssentials (no longer has a board)
  • Fixed NPE with BendingEssentials
A lot of people had issues with the latest version of BendingGUI. Whatever the problem was, it is now fixed in this version. This version, however, does require 1.8.2. Although it's buggy, please wait till 1.8.3 comes out if you aren't using it.

Also fixed glows not working in 1.11.