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Charged IceSpike

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Verified Member
Hey, so I got a few ideas from that post : http://projectkorra.com/posts/63687/ and I was advised to post my opinion as a new suggestion.

So there :

The thing is, I feel like you should be able to keep an Ice Spike in the air for longer. Meaning that it could create some sort of stationary structure that's quite high but quite narrow (height and width should be configurable). I think that we should be able to charge an IceSpike for it to stay in the air for about 10 seconds or so.
For example, you have Ice Spike selected and while looking at an ice block hold shift instead of tapping. After a few seconds, blue and white particles would show up telling the user that the Ice Spike has been charged.
Then release shift and an Ice Spike will rise and stay in place for about 10 seconds (the time should be configurable)

Tell me what you guys think, some things may have been taken from the previous Ice Spike post.




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Change it by adding charge-up, and longer you hold shift (undentify time by the OP) the longer the spike stays.

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That wasn't your comment, but whatever. What benefit does the spike remaining for a longer period have? I thought it only applies it's effects when initially used.


Verified Member
Well.. the thing is.. I just felt like we needed a way to create spikes of ice coming out in the air to protect ourselves and block people out. Sure, we have surge shield but you can't bend with it, sure we have torrent ice but it makes a big dome that isn't very practical.


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Well.. the thing is.. I just felt like we needed a way to create spikes of ice coming out in the air to protect ourselves and block people out. Sure, we have surge shield but you can't bend with it, sure we have torrent ice but it makes a big dome that isn't very practical.
So you're saying it would be more a defensive addition, rather than offensive?


Verified Member
We need an overall surge change, where ice wall stays in water and can be placed on land instead of being constantly under your control.


Verified Member
For example, Finn's IceSpike version. Jay, I can create a mass of water using IceSpike bug, I can create the lake!
That's his problem, not pk. They aren't involve with what happens to the server because of a custom ability that isn't their "child" that needs to be taken care of as an responsibility.


Verified Member
Well.. the thing is.. I just felt like we needed a way to create spikes of ice coming out in the air to protect ourselves and block people out. Sure, we have surge shield but you can't bend with it, sure we have torrent ice but it makes a big dome that isn't very practical.
Bolded part: Though, it wouldn't be stylish for a waterbending to-do such thing. No, I'm not saying it would be hypothecally impossible (even thought it wasn't display in canon), I see a better fit for earthbending. The technique for that stubborn element was actually, and I don't feel like waterbending needs to replicate the "earthblast from walls" tactic. We should keep all the elements as much as unique from each other as possible.
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