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Watermanipulation: Stream

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Left Click then Hold Shift until you see particles, then release shift to create the Stream. Move it around to slice objects and to deal 1/2 a heart of damage. Left click, to send the whip trashing out into the direction you aim at and deals damage whoever it hits. Hold Shift and left click to shoot it away, to inflict damage AND pull players towards you. Hold Shift while it's moving away from you to bring it back. If you hold it in front of you to will block basic attacks (watermanipulation, earthblast, etc)

This move will allow you to control a small stream of water that can be used to hit, pull, slice, or shoot the opponent. To use left click on the water then hold shift until you see particles, then release to raise the 3 block(half block) line of water. When you run the line of water will move to your side. This move is bottle bendable. Move your cursor back and forth at your target to slice them with your water. Each hit will do 1/2 a heart of damage. This move can also be used to get through certain blocks (wood, webs, etc). How long it takes to slice through the depends on the material. For example you could slice through web in about 2 hits and wood in 5. Once broken it will not drop the broken block. Simply click and the water will thrash out into the direction you aim at. Once the water either hits its target or finds no target it will return to you. Each hit will do 1/2 a heart and knockback. Once you hit a player 3 times it will dissapate. The range on this ability is 10 blocks. ( the water would stretch not be shot). to use hold shift in the direction of your choosing to shoot the water. Once shot it's course cannot be changed, but you can let go of shift at any time to return it to your side. You can only use this ability once as it uses your water. If hit by the water it will do 1 heart of damage and drag. (When shot it's 6 blocks long). When it's shot another waterbender can stop the projectile by holding shift at the stream then clicking to shoot it back.

Proof of canon:


11:40-12:10 and 17:20 -17:25

Thank you for reading, tell me whether you think this should be a combo, it's own move, or an addon to watermanip. Also if anyone could fine a picture of katara cutting the vines or wooden cage pls post thanks.
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Verified Member
I like it you, but I don't get why must you make it into 3 sub abilities when all of their controls don't even conflict? You can pretty much create all this multiabilities into one:

Left Click to create the Stream. Move it around to slice objects and to deal 1/2 a heart of damage. Left click, to send the whip trashing out into the direction you aim at and deals damage whoever it hits. Hold Shift and left click to shoot it away, to inflict damage AND pull players towards you. Hold Shift while it's moving away from you to bring it back.

Did you see that? Do you see how it can made into one ability, where no of these controls interfere with each function that this ability could do.


Verified Member
That's really good I didn't mean for it to be a multi ability move, I just wanted to higlight everything it could do


Verified Member
I like it you, but I don't get why must you make it into 3 sub abilities when all of their controls don't even conflict? You can pretty much create all this multiabilities into one:

Left Click to create the Stream. Move it around to slice objects and to deal 1/2 a heart of damage. Left click, to send the whip trashing out into the direction you aim at and deals damage whoever it hits. Hold Shift and left click to shoot it away, to inflict damage AND pull players towards you. Hold Shift while it's moving away from you to bring it back.

Did you see that? Do you see how it can made into one ability, where no of these controls interfere with each function that this ability could do.
Also mind if I use that description?


Verified Member
Not a bad idea @Taiko the Waterbender. It could be integrated into watermanipulation ability.... but, than again the blockcontrol stuff.... well you know? The One you suggested?... Would be conflicting between that and this...


Verified Member
This needs a duration, so that it wouldn't allow them to carry their water from e.g. the very far east taiga, to the very far west dessert. Proven from the The Drill episode, benders get fatigue when they are doing a repeative work or bending for a long certain amount of time.


Verified Member
This needs a duration, so that it wouldn't allow them to carry their water from e.g. the very far east taiga, to the very far west dessert. Proven from the The Drill episode, benders get fatigue when they are doing a repeative work or bending for a long certain amount of time.
Does water arms have a fatigue if so it could be the same fatigue


Verified Member
Water arms does not have any fatigue that I have encountered. The most fatigue I have witnessed is when you accidentally run into the physical water arm itself and are slowed because you are considered "swimming." In the stance of the show, waterbenders who are seen using "Water arms," they generally will not get fatigued because the water is considered attached to their body and a part of them. Think of Ming-Hua for an example. Benders are seen showing less agility when having their bending to their side rather than on their person. Only the skilled benders are seen not being affected by the elements at their side rather than attached to themselves. I think, if the move is developed, create the move and if it is necessary add the fatigue.

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
If that so, fatigue should be something added to the plugin as a whole, and not to a particular move.
The only case of fatigue, even exaustion, I can remember was when Toph was holding up a collapsing iron mine by hours, in The Rift comics.
As so, fatigue should be added to all bending arts.


Verified Member
I think if your just holding it and not slicing or using it it won't be that tiring but eventually you will use up all the water


Verified Member
Also I'm debating whether this can be redirectable so that benders could slice through things together like aang and katara did in the drill. Kinda like how another player can stop an earth smash that was shot at them and shoot it back.


Verified Member
If that so, fatigue should be something added to the plugin as a whole, and not to a particular move.
The only case of fatigue, even exaustion, I can remember was when Toph was holding up a collapsing iron mine by hours, in The Rift comics.
As so, fatigue should be added to all bending arts.
Cooldown and Duration represents the "fatigue" system, but even myself I do want most if not all moves (especially waterarms with a looong) duration. This might sound from me biased opinion If you noticed by name by now and earlier, but I think everyone else would also be up for this.


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Durations are fully customizable in the configs that developers supply you with. Most servers will define durations based on the damage, rate of fire, or other aspects of a move. Typically the more powerful ones take up the most energy, also the most powerful moves are the most OP. This being said, typically powerful moves have a respectful cool down. But this is not always the case. For example, in The Legend of Korra, we see P'Li using combustion as if it took no energy to use. She is able to fire 3-4 shots without showing any signs of exhaustion. Servers will either have to define their cool downs with PvP in mind, or RPG in mind. Frankly, it's a bit difficult to do both. Of course, they could shorten the combustion damage and lessen the cool down, but then it's just not powerful like it is in the show. Many issues come into mind when considering this.


Verified Member
Combustion would of course be easy for her, because combustion didn't even involved using much physical movement unke the other specialized techniques (she and CM had to lean towards slighty).
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