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Denied New spirit sub-class.

Should this be added?

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Verified Member
What I've been thinking, if Spirit is a sub-element they can get a spirit world move and an astral projection thing, but there will also be a portal to the spirit world that you can go through and actually bend in.


Verified Member
Maybe have a command to generate a portal? and make 2 in the world? Also make a spirit world (identical to the show with the tree of time in the middle of the 2 portals that are closer together than in the overworld) And let the avatar close them at will to prevent harmonic convergence. (and open them again ;D) when harmonic convergence comes have the portal change colors and link over. (Also make it so a random bending becomes REALLY strong and 1 becomes disabled throughout harmonic convergence. When the avatar has atleast 1 portal closed harmonic convergence will not start and noone can use the portal. When he/she re-opens it you can use the portal again and harmonic convergence has to wait thru it's cycle again.


Verified Member
this seems waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to comlicated and a head but the avatar being able to close protals a such seems but be workable mayby :p


Staff member
This will be a suggestion better suited for the Spirits plugin when we get around to opening that part of the forum up.


Verified Member
This will be a suggestion better suited for the Spirits plugin when we get around to opening that part of the forum up.
Oh, I thought suggestions for ALL the projectkorra plugins would be under sugestions. Not just the core, when suggestions for spirits and RPG are open would there be a new forum for it?


Staff member
Oh, I thought suggestions for ALL the projectkorra plugins would be under sugestions. Not just the core, when suggestions for spirits and RPG are open would there be a new forum for it?
There will be. This is a rather new thing, as this forum was created with just one plugin in mind. To clean things up we will eventually create sections for the other plugins as we begin working on them.
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