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Waterbending Ability- Ice Drill

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Verified Member
If they can change water into another molecural state, it doesn't mean they can control temperature directly. Ever seen the waterbending boiling, heating or cooling water, other than just freezing&vapourising it? I don't think so.
Yes, several times, actually. How do you think Katara cooks their meals when they're travelling? She is shown several times changing the temperature of water, never with a fire under the pot.

And for those who question the ability of a waterbender to drill through the ground, It is shown, particularly in the episode "The drill" that waterbenders can use water to cut through steel. I'm pretty sure a drill made of solid ice and held together through the waterbender's bending and willpower can drill through the ground. Obviously, though, i wouldn't be opposed to a time limit, and certainly the drill dissipates and melts if the waterbender loses concentration (if they let go of shift).


Verified Member
Yes, several times, actually. How do you think Katara cooks their meals when they're travelling? She is shown several times changing the temperature of water, never with a fire under the pot.

And for those who question the ability of a waterbender to drill through the ground, It is shown, particularly in the episode "The drill" that waterbenders can use water to cut through steel. I'm pretty sure a drill made of solid ice and held together through the waterbender's bending and willpower can drill through the ground. Obviously, though, i wouldn't be opposed to a time limit, and certainly the drill dissipates and melts if the waterbender loses concentration (if they let go of shift).
Do you have proof? Picture, gif/video?
Sorry, horrible quality and audio.

But from the video, you can see that Katara had a fire, she never heated the water by herself..


Verified Member
Sorry, horrible quality and audio.

But from the video, you can see that Katara had a fire, she never heated the water by herself..
not the only scene of her cooking, and I certainly recall her cooking without a fire at times. regardless, I fail to see how a waterbender would be unable to control the temperature of water, certainly if they are a skilled bender. After all, Airbenders can control the temperature of the air around them:
(around 6:50). Tenzin claims in that episode that airbenders can warm themselves with airbending.


Verified Member
not the only scene of her cooking, and I certainly recall her cooking without a fire at times. regardless, I fail to see how a waterbender would be unable to control the temperature of water, certainly if they are a skilled bender. After all, Airbenders can control the temperature of the air around them:
(around 6:50). Tenzin claims in that episode that airbenders can warm themselves with airbending.
uhh no... It was a fictional airbender statement. Think about it, at winter, your breath emits smoke (white stuff) in the air even when your breath isn't warm. Now, the airbenders claim it was cold but Tenzin never emitted any type of smoke from breathing.


Verified Member
not the only scene of her cooking, and I certainly recall her cooking without a fire at times. regardless, I fail to see how a waterbender would be unable to control the temperature of water, certainly if they are a skilled bender. After all, Airbenders can control the temperature of the air around them:
(around 6:50). Tenzin claims in that episode that airbenders can warm themselves with airbending.
Air =/= Water

Waterbenders were never able to heat water. Despite misconception, they don't change the temperature of water. They can, however, change the state of water, to another state. A good example of this was when Katara created frost/ice around Jet to trap him, and the small layer of ice came from the air. An example of changing the "water" in air into ice. (This does not mean that waterbenders can bend water from the air, or at least enough to make a difference. In order to create water out of thin air, it would require millions of water molecules, which I doubt even an avatar in avatar state would be able to do.)


Verified Member
This is technically canon because, they do use waterbending to make a drill, BUT, its not ice, its water, this would be a nice idea to have


Verified Member
This is technically canon because, they do use waterbending to make a drill, BUT, its not ice, its water, this would be a nice idea to have
It's canon, but realistically, have you ever seen water make a tunnel underground. Erosion, maybe but it takes years. How would water make a tunnel, I think it makes a mud puddle instead.


Verified Member
How would water make a tunnel
because extremely dense ice being held together by a waterbender would be powerful enough to. Guys, we are talking about people capable of using water to cut through rock and steel. If they can do that, I think they can drill through it, too.
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