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Would you want for waterbenders to manipulate steam?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Other (give your opinion)

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Verified Member
I remember the Pakku vs Katara fight, where he turned those ice objects into steam form before they could have hit him after falling. So maybe with steambending not only you could turn water into consealing stream, but would allow to vapourise approaching iceblast into steam.


Verified Member
Well we didn't see "Steambending" in the show, we did see fog/mist bending tho, so you could kinda reference that. But I don't see much of a use of it.
Korra did steam bending from the pipes. By the wiki it is said that Katara has done steam bending once when in a ship (in book 2 and 3 i think) and Pakku.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
You don't, but some people do. "I still wouldn't see a good amount of uses to make it a subelement" Imagine someone saying that to icebending. You might think it wont be useful, but some people do.
Well if you're gonna use it to blind people, good luck getting it past the concept designers

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
I think you blind a little yourselves...
What can you do with steam if it was added?
You are constantly saying that there are people who think it is needed. Yet, no one could think in a use to this sub-element!
Blinding people? Unoriginal, not needed.
Pakku turning the ice pots into steam... I always thought it was snow (gas expands in all directions, we just saw some white balls falling into the ground).
I just want to know WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH THIS!!
I mean, really?! We are already in two pages in this thread and no one had consistly made a good suggestion for a move envolving steambending.
PK WON'T add stuff if it is later not used aka, not needed.
There you go, my opinion '-'


Verified Member
I think you blind a little yourselves...
What can you do with steam if it was added?
You are constantly saying that there are people who think it is needed. Yet, no one could think in a use to this sub-element!
Blinding people? Unoriginal, not needed.
Pakku turning the ice pots into steam... I always thought it was snow (gas expands in all directions, we just saw some white balls falling into the ground).
I just want to know WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH THIS!!
I mean, really?! We are already in two pages in this thread and no one had consistly made a good suggestion for a move envolving steambending.
PK WON'T add stuff if it is later not used aka, not needed.
There you go, my opinion '-'
Katara find a use to freeze a person when the avatar team was in the mechanical drill on a mission to devastate it. That what possibly could steam do in the plugin. Maybe benders could scald people with high tempetarute steam. Maybe it could stop and vapourise most powerfull waterbending projectiles moves, such as surge, iceblast, icebullet's attacks and maybe freezes on you where again would turn the dome into a steam but retain the shape, sise and amouth, making a cover for you to escape out of the area without being detected and attacked.


Verified Member
Well if you're gonna use it to blind people, good luck getting it past the concept designers
Damn, i hate people that think it's a bad thing/disadvantage for steam to blind people. The benders of course would have a way to escape or stop steams conseal (ex; catapult, airburst,
firespin). And not all moves would deal hideness/blindness to the oppononent, as we can found other uses like how the ones i explained.

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
Katara find a use to freeze a person when the avatar team was in the mechanical drill on a mission to devastate it. That what possibly could steam do in the plugin. Maybe benders could scald people with high tempetarute steam. Maybe it could stop and vapourise most powerfull waterbending projectiles moves, such as surge, iceblast, icebullet's attacks and maybe freezes on you where again would turn the dome into a steam but retain the shape, sise and amouth, making a cover for you to escape out of the area without being detected and attacked.
Now, THAT'S what I was looking for. But Katara didn't create the steam :eek: Are you thinking in a way that a waterbender can create his/her own steam, without it being OP?


Verified Member
Now, THAT'S what I was looking for. But Katara didn't create the steam :eek: Are you thinking in a way that a waterbender can create his/her own steam, without it being OP?
No, by vapourising water. If she/he wants to freeze someone fast without doing an attack, you would then neet to select the source and then hold sneak to release the steam in the dorection you are looking at. Whatever is caught by the steam, gets to be frozen.


Verified Member
No, by vapourising water. If she/he wants to freeze someone fast without doing an attack, you would then neet to select the source and then hold sneak to release the steam in the dorection you are looking at. Whatever is caught by the steam, gets to be frozen.


Verified Member
Tagging us won't do you any good
Dang you staff are mean. @HydroMan just tryin' to get your input. At first I thought this was stream bending where you shoot large amounts of water at people. Steam could be kinda cool
though. Steam irl hurts, so it should do damage. :)

After reading it again, I love it.
@AlexTheCoder, just have snowball particles shoot from the water. And this is better than frost breath, you know the ability that lets you MAKE WATER FROM THIN AIR TO MAKE TORRENT.