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Denied My suggestions for the plugin

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Verified Member
1. The Dark Avatar

I think the Dark Avatar should be incorporated into the plugin, along with the Avatar.

2. Removing the Avatar/Dark Avatar Spirit

I think another good idea would be to enable the Avatar and Dark Avatar to remove Raava and Vaatu from each other, as Dark Avatar Unalaq did in the show. When enabled, this would cause the person the spirit was removed from to cease being an Avatar.

3. Death during the Avatar/Dark Avatar State

If the Avatar/Dark Avatar are killed while using their respective Avatar States, then, if this is enabled by the server, the Avatar Cycle would cease to exist, and the person, upon respawning, would cease to be the Avatar/Dark Avatar.

4. Unalaq's spirit-waterbending technique

This one is probably more practical than the last 3. Waterbenders would be able to defeat their opponent by clicking on the source block, and then holding shift on an opponent. 2 columns of water would surround the opponent, like in the show, and would either gradually harm the opponent until they die, or would immediately die after a few seconds. To prevent the ability from being too overpowered, the user cannot move or be attacked, or the ability would be cancelled. The target cannot move, and cannot attack except for a few certain abilities, however, and the move can be dissipated by activating the Avatar State, bloodbending, combustion, and other abilities will be listed, people can suggest abilities that can nullify this technique.

5. Spirit Projection

This ability can be used by anyone to project their spirit similar to how its been done on ATLA and LOK. when a person projects their spirit, their body stays immobile where it is, while the player can walk the earth as a spirit. They can move faster, breath underwater, go through walls, hold shift to sink underground, fly, and teleport easily, however, cannot bend, except during the proposed harmonic convergence. The player can return to their body by holding shift while they have the ability selected. The player's body can be attacked and if it is killed, the player will automatically respawn back in their body wherever their body is designated to respawn. The player's spirit, however, cannot be attacked, except by unalaq's spirit-waterbending technique, and if attacked by such, cannot return to their bodies. If a player's spirit is killed, they return to their body and respawn at their designated respawn point.


Verified Member
I've gotten more ideas for you!
Harmonic Convergence: if the avatar gets his/her spirit removed then (during harmonic convergence only) they could re-fuse with it. Idk how it'd look, but still :). Maybe imprisoning raava or vaatu until the next harmonic convergence so they can't re-fuse?


Staff member
This suggestion has been denied for the following reasons:
  1. There are too many suggestions in one thread, I encourage you to break it down to one suggestion per thread in the future.
  2. None of this fits into the Core plugin. Once we open up suggestions for spirits, I'd throw this stuff there if I were you.
  3. For what it's worth, recreating Raava and Vaatu will be near impossible.


Verified Member
I did not actually suggest recreating raava and vaatu, just removal of the Avatar Spirit, in other words, using an ability to make a person not be an Avatar anymore. Anyway, I thank you for considering my ideas, and for spirits, I will re-propose my spirit projection idea, not the first 3, unless you think I should resuggest those 3 as well. As for Unalaq's spirit-waterbending technique, I think that could potentially work for core, since it would not exactly involve the spirits (except in the name).


Verified Member
oh yeah, and in a conversation with Alex the Coder, I asked him if I could add multiple suggestions to one post and he said yes.
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