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How to install?


Verified Member
Place the jar that you have downloaded into your 'plugins' folder of your server. Reload/Restart/Start your server.
Official Download: Click here
Dev Build: Click here
I recommend downloading the latest dev to stay updated to the plugin, but the official download is meant to be more stable.


Verified Member
I have done that and I have added abilities But it just wont work I tried re installing multiple times.


New Member
Place the jar that you have downloaded into your 'plugins' folder of your server. Reload/Restart/Start your server.
Official Download: Click here
Dev Build: Click here
I recommend downloading the latest dev to stay updated to the plugin, but the official download is meant to be more stable.
It's 1.7???


New Member
I've got a similar problem.
Downloading it? Easy enough. But how the hell does one use it?!


Verified Member
Installation is very simple, if you already know how to set up a bukkit/spigot server.
If not, you might want to ask for an explanation on those, instead.

Otherwise, ensure you're using 1.8.3; it's no different from installing other plugins.


New Member
I downloaded the file and put it in my plugins folder, but when I load up my server the plugin doesn't work..
I also want to add the custom installed moves, and I don't know how..
My server is version 1.7.10 but it also supports 1.8.


Staff member
Lead Developer
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
i installed it but I cant use moves it like I don't have them its like the plugin didn't insall
First of all this thread is really old :D but that's fine.
What versions of ProjectKorra are you trying to run, and with what version of Spigot? Are there any errors in the console when you start the server?


Staff member
Lead Developer
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
1.8.1 isn't compatible with Spigot 1.7.10, but you said you got it to work so I assumed you updated your server or downgraded your ProjectKorra version. There are 2 different bending boards that I know of, runefist has one and it's available here on our forums, however I have heard there are some issues with it. JedCore also has a bending board feature included in it, but isn't available on our forums. If you wish to install that you'll have to do so externally, and no official ProjectKorra support can be provided for matters related to it, or any external abilities/plugins.


New Member
Um I just need some help because I can't find the plugin folder. I found the file for my server but there is no folder marked plugins